Chapter twenty three

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Ig: deepanshi.chinki
Drop in a dm there if you send me a request 💜


I was sitting on the bed with my back against the bed rest. Mr Kim, Mrs Lee, a police officer and the same nurse were there in the room. I didn't want to be in the same room as Mr Kim without any witness or supervision.

The police man stood up. "On your request I have checked with the Seoul Police station. There was no blast as such and also there is no university named Seoul Medical Institute. I talked with your neighbours and the orphanage where you both grew up in, nothing is suspicious. You both loved each other and were happily living together. There is no need to feel threatened."

I nodded letting the information sink in. So I am happily married to him? Okay for now.

"I'm afraid that you're experiencing amnesia Mrs Kim."

"Call me Meera." I interrupted the doctor not liking the sound of 'Mrs Kim'. He nodded in understanding and continued, "You probably experienced something while you were unconscious but you're perfectly safe except-"

"Dr Hwang. Umm.. What about the discharging formalities?" Mr Kim asked sounding a little worried. I raised an eye brow at his sudden change of behaviour.

"Doctor, please continue." The doctor sighed.

"You had a miscarriage Meera."

I scoffed more than surprised. "Miscarriage? And you want me to believe that? Yeah sure." I didn't care if my tone was sarcastic. I was pregnant? No way.

"You were one month pregnant." The doctor said sternly. I looked away not wanting to believe it. But I didn't have any choice.

"So what exactly happened? Why am I here?" I asked. Mr Kim raised his head to look at me.

"You didn't tell me that you were pregnant. We did not plan it. I really wanted to be a father soon but you said you weren't ready for it. I found the reports and confronted you. We had a small argument and you tried to leave but unfortunately.." he gulped, trying to fight back his tears.

" fell from the stairs."

I nodded. I did not feel anything about the baby that I lost. I had a small doubt that he might've pushed me down the stairs but even in that 'reality' Mr Kim never hurt me physically. He made sure that I was physically fine and comfortable. So I wiped that doubt away.

"Tell me more. About our childhood. I want to know."

This time Mrs Lee looked at me. She held my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"I found you at the doorstep of our orphanage and named you after a princess. Taehyung's parents died when he was nine. His relatives didn't want to take him in and brought him to me. You kids were really close since then." She sadly smiled.

"No one wanted to be my friend." Mr Kim continued, "My uncles and aunts refused to take me in. They all made fun of me and called me names. I was weird in their eyes. But you were different honey."

He looked straight into my eyes and then sadly chuckled looking away. A tear rolled down his tanned cheek. He wiped that away and cleared his throat.

"You befriended me. You made me feel special. You said that it was good to be friends with someone like me because I'm a good different. And that, normal is boring for you. I was bullied but then you got bullied too. Because of me." His fists clenched in anger, probably reminiscing.

"You were into culinary. I got interested too. So we both went to a culinary school and started our own small business." He completed the story with a smile.

"The owner of the orphanage invested in your school and business. He normally invests in new businesses. He really really likes what you make for him." Mrs Lee smiled brightly trying to ease up the gloomy atmosphere. I gave her a small smile in return.

"What about our marriage?" I was really curious about it.

"We left the orphanage at the age of eighteen. We started our business by that time. We did pretty well for first timers. We got married two years back. And you're twenty four now. I'm twenty five."

My head started to spin a little but I didn't show it. I took a deep breath. What is happening? Was it all a dream? Is this the reality?

"Here." Mr Kim handed me a small album. It had a light pink cover with a few white flowers in the corner. I opened it to find wedding pictures. Or Polaroids.

My big day.

I was wearing a simple white gown and he was beside me wearing a white shirt and a black blazer. We were laughing.

I flipped the pages to find other pictures of a lot of kids and some people of our age. It looked like the wedding was in the orphanage.

I looked so happy in the pictures. I don't even remember being this happy. The wedding looked so simple and fresh.

"We opted for the simplest wedding ever. Our rings and clothes were really cheap. We couldn't even afford a photographer so Tiffany noona gifted us a Polaroid camera for wedding and clicked all these pictures." He chuckled. "But we did spend a lot on good food."


"She is the daughter of the owner of our orphanage." Mrs Lee replied.

I closed the album and handed it back. My head was spinning badly. The doctor seemed to sense it.

"You should rest for now." One by one they all left me in the room. Alone with my thoughts. That felt real. This is real too. I held my throbbing head and decided to take a nap.


I had my eyes closed but I wasn't asleep. I could feel my surroundings. Someone opened the door and stepped inside. I didn't move and pretended to sleep.

A cold hand came in contact with my cheek. His thumb caressed my cheek in the gentlest manner ever. Mr Kim.

"Honey please. Don't push me away. I can't live without you."

He said in a low voice. Soon I could hear his sobs. He was trying his best to not make a sound but his sobs echoed in the small room.

I could feel him leaning towards me. His lips touched my forehead, placing a long peck on my skin.

"I love you"

I took a deep breath and got out of the cab. I could not stay in the hospital for a long time. On my way I noticed that it wasn't a big city. It seemed like a small town where everyone knows everyone. Some asked me about my health and I could only nod and smile.

My condition was fine and now I'm here in front of my supposed home, with my husband.

"Come." Mr Kim smiled brightly as I followed him.

It was simple house but the big bright board on the top of the front wooden door made me doubt my thoughts.

House Of Pizza

"What's this?" I asked as he struggled to open the lock.

"This is our home. Our dream." He was beaming with joy. He finally opened the door and gave me way to step inside.

It was a small pizza place. The interior was simple. It had white tables with checkered table cloth. A big counter on the other end of the place.

Mr Kim dropped the bags on the floor and stood in the middle of the room. He stretched his arms and rolled his head back still smiling.

"This is our home, honey."

A/N: more plot twists to come 😎

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