Chapter seven

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"Kim Taehyung..."

With my trembling legs, I walked away from the scene. It was so horrific. I looked over my shoulder and he was still looking at me with a smirk. I cupped my mouth and walked inside the club.

"Meera!" Jisoo ran to me. She held my shoulders as her eyes begged me to say something. My pupils shook in fear. My vision was blurry because of the tears which streamed down my cheeks without stopping. I couldn't concentrate on her face. So I just pointed at he back door and mouthed 'Taeyong'.

I'm not sure who it was, maybe Johnny and Yuta who ran to the back door. Their loud screams could be heard a moment later. Everyone got curious as they all ran to see them. Then one by one all of them screamed. My ears were hurting as I cupped them and bend down crying. My breathing quickened while Joy rubbed my back to calm me down.

"I'll call the police."

Half an hour later, the police were questioning the guests. Taeyong's body was taken as the officers checked the area for the killer.

"I'm officer Kim Namjoon. Can we ask her some questions?" The officer in a blue-black uniform tilted his head in my direction. I couldn't answer. I trembled in Joy's arms. "Officer she is traumatised because of what happened. Can you question her later? I want to send her home." Joy said for me. Gladly the officer agreed to it.

"Then miss? I will contact you later." He asked one of his subordinates to drop me home. "Call me." I nodded at Joy's words.

I reached my place in an hour. My parents panicked when they saw me. Their daughter came back with a tear stinted face and a police officer, who wouldn't react the way my parents did.

"What happened?" Papa asked. But instead of replying I ended up crying. The horror that I witnessed replayed in my mind. Mummy rubbed my back to calm me down but I couldn't.

They died because of me. They lost their lives because of me.

"Let's go to sleep. It's late." They didn't ask me much because the officer told them the story and now I just have to go to the station to tell them my side of the story.

"Your earphones and cell phone are here." Mumma motioned at the bedside table. Just in case I need them at night. "You can sleep with us you know. I don't feel like letting you sleep alone tonight." She continued while petting me hair. I wanted to sleep with them but I didn't want to trouble them. Papa has an early flight tomorrow morning. They have to wake up early. I don't wish to trouble them.

"I am tired. I just want to sleep." My eye lids were heavy as I snuggled with the pillow. Mumma per my hair and gave me a forehead kiss before leaving. I smiled. That's new. She doesn't like to get touchy.

A few minutes later, I was already in my dreams.


She looks so serene. So peaceful.

I was in her room, next to her and on her bed. My fingers were caressing her soft cheeks. She is definitely a heavy sleeper.

I leaned forward to smell her. It was a light vanilla fragrance, sweeter than anything out there. A smile danced on my lips as I stared at her. I am doing everything for you my angel. I want you to be with me so that I could protect you from the evils of the world. You deserve so much more.

"Goodnight... my angel." I pecked her cheek and kept the black box on the bedside table. She will definitely like this. I know.

I was about to leave when my eyes landed on her pink and blue scarf. I didn't want to steal but the temptation was killing me. I slowly walked towards the chair and picked it up.

"Mmh." I inhaled sharply and rolled my head back at the feeling. It smelled so good. Just like her. I took it with me and left her house.

"Goodnight... my angel."


"Good morning." Mummy greeted me as I stepped down the stairs. I lazily dragged myself to the dining and rested my head on the table. My head was heavy. I guess I need more sleep.

"We have to go to the station." She said when I raised my head to eat breakfast. I gulped and then nodded. "You should eat." Mummy pointed at my plate. I didn't feel like eating anything. Just like the time when I received the news about Jaehyun.

"Your father will be back before midnight. He asked us to go to the police station as soon as possible. We shouldn't delay."

I quickly finished my breakfast and went upstairs to change. While changing, I found a black box on the bedside table. I picked it up and examined it. I don't remember keeping it here.

I opened the box as a loud gasp escaped my lips. It was a watch. Not any watch but an expensive one. Really expensive. I love watches to the point that I might go out without glasses, money and phone but not my watch. I will always have it with me and will only remove it before sleeping.

"But who kept it here?" I will never buy such an expensive watch, neither will my parents. I picked up my phone to leave the room when it buzzed.

Unknown: Hope you liked my gift, my angel.

The box dropped out my hands. No. Not him! Kim Taehyung!

I sat on the bed and looked at the box on the floor. It was not here last night. I turned my head to look at the big window near my bed. Did he come last night? My pupils shook in horror as I imagined myself unconscious and in the same room as him.

"Meera! Come quickly!" My mother called for me.

"Wait a m-minute!"

I tried to calm myself and think of something. First, I have to get rid of the watch. Who knows, he might have had some device stuck to it so that he could hear or maybe more, see me?

I harshly picked it up and opened the window ready to throw it outside when my phone started ringing.

Unknown calling...

I gulped and shook my head. If I don't pick it up, he might end up doing something crazier. But if I attend his call...

The phone kept on ringing and I finally picked it up but chose to stay silent. Hearing his husky chuckle followed by his equally deep voice dropped my heart to the floor.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you my angel."

A/N: I hope you're liking the plot. ❤️
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