Chapter twelve

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I blankly looked with my swollen eyes at the big glass window which was to the right of my bed. Or the hospital bed. I had cried enough when I gained my consciousness last night.

"You're up. Let's check your condition." Dr. Han said with a smile. The doctor who used to come for special lecture at the University treated my bruises. Dr Han is such a reputed doctor who probably does loads of surgeries every day. But not today. He is just here to check my vitals which could be done by a trainee nurse.

Someone might need this doctor more than me at the moment.

"You're Good now. We just have to focus on our medicines and dressings." He informed me with a sweet smile. That means I could leave right? Having medicines and changing the dressings isn't a big deal.

"Can I leave then? There shouldn't be a problem." I said while crossing my fingers under the blanket. I need to get out of here and contact my parents one way or another.

"I'm sorry Miss but we were given clear instruction to not let you leave until your fully healed or until further notice." He gave me a smile and left.

I want to leave this place. Ironic right? I want to be a doctor but then I can't bear to breathe in this hospital anymore. I want to leave.

But then if I be rational..

I know I can't. I don't have money, identification, mobile and moreover I'm not in a condition to leave. Even the police is accused me of three murders. Me leaving this place will only worsen the situation.

"Would you like to eat something?" A nurse entered the room with a basket full of fruits. And not those simple everyday fruits. There were some expensive, imported fruits.

"I'm not hungry. But.." she turned to look at me expectantly while she sat on the stool next to my bed to cut some fruits.

".. can I go out for a walk? In the hallways at least? I have been here for a long time. Please?" I begged her to show my desperation to leave the room. She talked to the person in charge and they finally allowed me with that nurse by my side.

"What's your name?" I asked her as we started walking in the hallways.

"Yuqi." I nodded and smiled at her. At the same time I tried to look for something. A cell phone. I need to contact my parents to know if they're safe. The staff won't let me use any phone. It was one of their strict orders to not let me contact anyone.

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable." She smiled at me and walked along.

Some time later my eyes landed on a man's back. His phone was in his hand as he was waiting for someone. He was anxious. Moments later he sat on the bench and kept the phone next to him. With his hands intertwined he kept looking at the direction of the lift.


"Uh?" I blankly turned to Yuqi who was probably calling me for some time now.

"I asked if you want to go back?" She was a bit nervous. I shook my head in disapproval. "A little later?" She nodded even though she was against it. She pitied me I guess.

"Sun Ah!" That man frantically stood up and ran to the woman who stepped out of the elevator, leaving his phone behind. Her baby bump was clear as she was breathing heavily.

I got scared for a minute. Will I really be stealing? But I had to. "Yuqi." Another nurse called her and they began discussing something.

"I'll be going to my room." I said to her. She wanted to accompany me but I politely refused motioning towards her colleague. She nodded but was still hesitant.

I quietly moved towards my room while turning back again and again to see Yuqi busy and that man no where to be seen. I looked around to see everyone else busy with their own work.

"Be calm." I took a deep breath and causally walked to the bench. Smoothly I picked up the phone and sped walked to the nearest washroom.

A big smile formed on my face when I saw his wallpaper of his pregnant wife smiling at the camera. But that smile soon faded away.

"Damn!" I forgot about the password! How can I be so stupid?! Everyone has a password these days!

Sighing in defeat and irritation, I decided to keep that in phone back in its place. With heavy steps I finally made my way to the bench when that phone began to ring loudly catching everyone's attention. That's when I noticed the owner of the phone and a small crowd around the area.

"Did she steal the phone?"

"Seems so."

"She doesn't look like to type to steal."

"It's an expensive one so yeah."

I gulped hearing everyone accusing me of stealing. Not that they are wrong but it just feels so wrong. They don't know the situation I am in to do something so terrible.

"Why did you steal my phone?!" That man sped walked in my direction and snatched his phone away giving my a death glare.

"I'm sorry but.." come up with an excuse!

"You're caught red handed! Don't try to fool me!"

"No sir. I was planning on giving this to the security since it was just lying there on the bench."

Well I did come up with something reasonable as I saw a few heads nodding. But the man in front wasn't giving in.

"Miss!" I heard Yuqi as she ran in my direction. "Where were you?" She asked worriedly as if she committed a sin. The sweat on her forehead was enough to let me know that she was nervous.

"She was busy stealing!" And in a moment that man tightly held my wrist yanking me forward. "I'm going to report you! Thieves like you should be punished!"

"Sir please!" I tried to move away but he was strong. The thought of being in that cell to get beaten up made me shiver in fear. I begged him but he didn't listen.

"I'm sorry!" I tried confessing but nothing worked. The elevator opened till the time we reached there.

My eyes widened in fear when I saw him stepping out of the lift with a blank face as he looked at my crying face and then my wrist being held by some other man. His dark eyes bore into the man's eyes.

I was scared for myself but more than that, I was scared for this middle aged man who was going to be a father soon

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I was scared for myself but more than that, I was scared for this middle aged man who was going to be a father soon.

"What are you doing to my angel?"

Can I get more votes? I get reads but so less votes. 🙈 please vote a lot! It will only motivate me to update fast ❤️

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