Chapter thirty

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Taehyung has red hair in this life. 😎 and don't forget to vote and comment.

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"Meera. Dinner is ready."

"I'll be out in a minute."

Mrs Lee knocked on the door to inform me. I couldn't stay at the hospital anymore. Everything about those light coloured walls was creepy and disgusting to me. So I asked them to take me 'home'.

Currently I was in my art room. I looked at the paintings. Many were completed but some were unfinished. Most of them were oil paintings and I know for a fact that it needs patience. You have to repeat strokes over and over again for an effect. It's isn't easy but I did it well.

(Taken from Internet

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(Taken from Internet. I don't own this. It's just an idea about oil paintings)

I walked out of the room to the dining area. The house was really beautiful. It had my paintings on different walls.

"I made hotpot for us. Come here, sit." She quickly served the food. I happily sat on one of the chairs because the food was mouth watering. I was about to take a bite but her voice stopped me.

"Taehyung-ah! You're just on time. Have dinner with us." Mrs Lee stood up to set another plate for him. He walked to us and sat on his chair. But I wasn't ready to be in the same room as him. So I stood up, ready to leave.

"I'm full. Goodnight."

"Know your place you orphan!" He slammed his hand on the table startling us. "Taehyung! No!" Mrs Lee shook her head at him while he smirked in response.

"Eomma. She should know her place. I'm just helping her. And you," he turned to me, " Doll.. You sure have a lot of guts now. Earlier you couldn't even look me in the eye and now you have the courage to talk back to me and avoid me like I'm sort of a disease."

"Don't you dare Taehyung!" Mrs Lee glared at him. I wanted to know that they were hiding from me. He was testing her patience while she was close to losing her consciousness.

"Tell me. What is it?"

"You sure you want to know such a dark secret doll?"

"Stop it you two! Can't we have a single meal in peace. Is it too much to ask for?!" Mrs. Lee's eyes were teary. She looked at us with disappointment all over her face.

"Meera it's nothing. Go and sleep. You haven't fully recovered yet. Goodnight." Mrs. Lee came to my side to walk me to my room. I looked back to see him smirking in my direction.


I was lying on my bed when someone entered my room. Kim Taehyung.

"Taehyung, it's really late. Please leave. If you want to talk we can talk later in front of Mrs Lee." I looked him in the eye. I was scared and that's the reason why I wanted to stay away from him.

"It's Vante."


"It's Vante for you. Not Taehyung."

Great. Another nickname. Another reason for me to maintain distance between us.

"Vante..please leave." I motioned towards the door but he just smirked. He closed the door behind him. Standing against the adjacent wall he crossed his arms arrogantly.

"You have no idea how enticing your new self is. But I still hate you." His voice was laced with venom. Why is he here if he hates me this much?

"I'm not gonna lie but I prefer the other girl. The quiet, timid girl who was afraid to go against me. The one who did everything I asked her to because she knew that it won't end well for anyone else."

He slowly traced his tongue over his lips.

"But I'm not her

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"But I'm not her."

My voice wavered when I let out those words. They all told me how quiet and careful I was with everyone. And it felt strange to see the same person give an attitude. But I just can't accept everything as it is.

They don't know me! They don't know how difficult is to wake up and realise that you're not leading the life you thought you're leading! They don't know how torturous it is to see your loved ones die in front of your eyes by the same person!

"Oh doll... well..." he stepped towards me making me step back till the back of my knees hit the bed. He raised his arms and pushed my shoulders. My back hit the mattress as my eyes widened in horror.


I tried to sit straight but he again pushed me back. He placed his knee between my legs and leaned forward. His body hovered over mine as I let out another scream to protect myself. He held my arms and pinned them above my head with one hand.

"Eomma is out for a walk. So stop screaming." He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Now where were we?" Tilting his head he pretended to think about something and I could only look at him in confusion.

"Oh yes," his eyes met mine and I saw his hate for me. His expressions were dark, scaring me to the core. "Since you lost your memories I decided to fill in some important things for you."

He leaned forward, closer to my face. His hot breath leaving his luscious lips. My hands trembled as I tried to push him away but there was no energy. My heartbeat sped up. He leaned closer to my ear with his breath fanning my ear.

"I killed your birth parents Doll."

My breathing because shallower than before. He did what? I wanted to cry. Why do I have to go through all this? Why me? I didn't even realise that I was crying till I tasted my own tears.

"Why are you doing this? P-please stop. I can't take this anymore. Please... Just st-stop."

"Stop?" He shook his head, "Doll I did you a favour. You should lick my feet for saving you from that abusive household."

"Why?! I did not ask you to! Why did you do it?!"

I looked up to see his dark and cold eyes. He had an evil grin on his face. He chuckled darkly and rolled his head back a little. Chills ran down my spine seeing him laugh like that.

"I own you Doll. You become my property since the very moment I saved you."

He raised his hand to tuck a few strands of my hair behind my hair and then his fingers brushed against my cheeks and jaw in a gentle manner. But he immediately gripped my cheeks in one hand. He gritted his teeth as he pressed his fingers against my cheeks hurting me.

"Now you're scared of me. I feel at ease when I see you tremble in fear. Let's keep it this way. Be an obedient doll like you were. Listen to me and break up with Jimin. Or you won't be there to save him the next time."

A/N: vote and comment a lot. And I really love all your theories 💜💜

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