Chapter two

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A/N: i just wanted to ask if this style of writing is alright? Or do you want me to write it the way I write my Daniel fic? Long updates?

Lemme know.
Do vote and comment a lot 💞


"Hyung, whats this place?" I asked while looking around. This place was really big with a lot of people.

"Seoul Medical Institute." Baekhyun hyung replied and parked the car before getting out and opening the door for me. I adjusted my jacket and followed him inside the building.

"What am I supposed to do here?" I looked around to see girls crowding me and clicking my pictures. I took off my glasses and glared at them making them step back. They are too low to even have my picture in their third class cellphones. When I was sure that they won't follow me, I went to hyung.

"They are just students Taeghyung. Calm your nerves." I ignored him and went inside a room. An old man stood up from couch and walked to me.

"Good morning. I am the Director of this prestigious institute, Yoo Jae Suk." I shook hands with him and sat on the couch with my legs crossed. That old man waited for my permission to sit which I granted him by waving my hand in air.

"We are really grateful to you for donating such a big amount for this institute so we could have a better facilities for our aspiring doctors. We-"

"Actions speak for me Mr Yoo. Let me know when the money has been put to good use." I said coldly before standing up. Mr Yoo quickly stood up and bowed to me. Acknowledging his respect, I nodded.

"The seminar is this way." He guided me to a big hall. All the students were already there. They all stood up to see me. I didn't spare them any glance and walked to the stage.

"Say some good words and then we'll leave." Hyung said and sat next to me on one of the chairs on stage. The Director began speaking some shitty things that will definitly not help these students.

My eyes casually looked at the students who were patiently listening to the oldie. And then I found her.

My Angel.

Wearing a pink shirt and demins, she sat crossing her legs with a pen in her hand and nerdy glasses hiding those beautiful eyes. I couldn't see anyone else besides her. All my attention was on her. The way she smiled and bit her lip, when she flicked her hair lightly and when she hugged herself because of the low temperature inside the auditorium.

"...Kim Taehyung." The Director said my name and I stood up making my way to the podium. I said the same old things that I say as a guest speaker everywhere. I tell them my success story.

My angel was giving me her full attention. I was happy. She was looking at me. And only me. Her eyes met mine. I smiled at her but she didn't. Why my angel?

I bit my lip when she placed her pen between her lips trying to listen attentively. But then her friend said something to her which caused her to stand up. She was worried. I saw her back as she made her way to the side stairs.

What happened my angel? Did she say something to you? Did she hurt you?

".. I get what I want. And if something comes in my way.. " I said looking at her fading back as she bowed to an elderly woman and left the hall.

"..I simply remove it."

"Whats with such an intense speech?" Hyung asked while driving. I looked out of the window, thinking about her. She's been in my mind for so long. For three months. After that beautiful night, I couldn't find her. All my people were useless in tracing her location. But I did not give up.

Now I found her. And I will not let her go.

The time when she saved me from death flashed in my mind. The concerned look in her eyes when she treated my wounds got me. I was thirsty for such care and she gave me that care. I felt warmth with her presence. Without her care, I feel cold. She seemed so pure... so innocent.

I must protect her.

I must... have her. My angel.


"Jisoo? You okay?" I asked while she groaned in pain. She texted Joy that her periods started and was having cramps. And her cramps are pretty bad. Joy wanted to come too but then I insisted on going alone. She had a crush on that 'guest speaker' and I wanted her to enjoy his speech.

Jisoo came out of the bathroom and I quickly held her form. Her eyes were half closed and it seemed that she will faint any second.

"It hu-hurts." Her voice was barely a whisper. I asked for someone's help and managed to get her to the infirmary. The nurse gave her a medicine and she went to sleep. I continued to stay by her side. As a friend and a woman myself, it pains me to see her in such state.

"You girls are the future doctors and still don't know how to manage your cramps." The nurse said while I kept my head low. What am I supposed to say now?

"Thank you so much Meera." Jisoo and I were going home after the classes ended and took my arm as we both walked on the sidewalk to get to her car. "It's okay friend."

She dropped me home. Not exactly home but a few blocks away. I fastened my steps because it was already dark and I won't lie if I say I'm not scrared.

Do I hear some footsteps behind me?

I turned around but no one was there. I'm just being paranoid I guess. Without wasting any more time, I sped up and was basically running to my place. I can feel someone's eyes on me. And it was creeping the shit out of me. I kept turning back time to time and not a single soul was seen. But I could feel someone's presence. It was sending chills down my spine.

I finally reached my home. All safe and sound. "Are you okay?"

"Hmm. Just tired." I went to my room and threw my bag on the bed. Now I feel all relaxed. Definitely paranoid. I went to window to open it and the first thing I saw was guy standing near the gates of my house. It was dark so I couldn't see him propperly.

I was about to shout at him but then he turned his head in my direction as if knew I was watching him. He then calmly backed away and walked out if the place.

So I was being followed.

A/N: like it???

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