Chapter twenty five

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Be ready for the plot twist in the next two updates. 💜.
Comment and vote a lot people. It's your comments and votes which are motivating me to update early. 💜💜

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"Who is Suga?"

After that question left my mouth I could see Mr Kim's aura changing. It darkened. The playful vibe was all gone which made me shiver.

"He used to perform in our restaurant." His brief answer made me suspicious. "Used to?" I enquired again. I needed more information.

"He goes from city to city. Before leaving he told us that he would be going back to his hometown DaeguTown." I slowly nodded. But something seemed off. His tone and posture was serious and salty when he told me about him.

"Weren't we on good terms with him?" And Curiosity killed the cat.

"You're still recovering. I don't want my Honey to be stressed." His cute aura was back as his lips curled into a cute pout. I decided to let go of the things, for now.

"Your TaeTae wants to be hugged." He said cutely and came to me wobbling on his knees on the bed, before engulfing me in a bear hug.


"Have a nice day." I handed the change to a few schoolgirls.

It's been almost three weeks now and things were going smoothly. The work was fine and TaeTae was teaching me how to cook or at least make the pizza dough to help him out in the kitchen. It's been difficult for him to do all the work alone.

"Unnie, I have work at home. Can I leave now? I'll do an extra shift on the weekend." Hitomi asked while looking at me with her puppy eyes. I couldn't refuse and gave her the permission.

"Oh hey Jungkook!" Hitomi greeted someone as she left. The said guy waved in her direction. "You're going early?"

"Some work. Bye." She rushed out of the doors. That Jungkook guy walked in my direction and sat on one of the chairs near the counter.

"Hey noona. How have you been?" He casually asked while keeping his phone aside. I gained my composure and replied, "I'm doing good. What about you?"

A hearty chuckle left his lips. He placed the back of his hand over his lips to hide his laughter. I raised an eyebrow at his behaviour.

"Sorry~" he laughed again. "You are trying so hard to act normal. It's so obvious that your memory has not returned."

I was embarrassed. I cleared my throat and looked away pretending that it didn't affect me. Then I turned to look at him. Judging by his school dress and physique, he is a high schooler.

"Aww. Noona can't get her eyes off me." He kept his chin on his open palms with his elbows resting on the counter, giving me a teasing look.

"You want to order or not?" I asked irritatedly. He was starting to get on my nerves.

"When did you come back?" TaeTae came from behind as he gave me a back hugged. It felt normal. His hugs were actually comforting. I didn't mind.

"Two days back." Jungkook replied. I tilted my head wanting TaeTae to explain it to me.

"Jungkook is our regular here. He is our friend or like a little brother?" He was unsure which was cute because Jungkook tried to look offended by his choice of words.

"Little? Huh? I'm probably more muscular than you'll ever be. Want to see my guns? Wait." He stood up and hurriedly took off his coat. "You all are underestimating my built. Just you wait."

"Yah Yah Yah! Stop it!" TaeTae shouted and Jungkook finally stopped with a scoff. "Scared already?"

"I'll be back." TaeTae suddenly pecked my cheek and ran inside the kitchen leaving me dumbfounded. I raised my hand to touch my cheek. Did he just kiss my cheek? Heat crept up my cheeks at the thought of his soft lips.

"Noona To earth. Hello?" I got out of the trance. "Your memory is actually gone. Waah~ you do seem different."

"How different?" I asked. I wanted to know his perception about me.

"You always slap hyung's butt whenever he turns around while saying that your husband has the best butt in the whole world."

To say that I'm embarrassed would be an understatement. I want to die this instant. I can't believe that everyone in this town sees me as a pervert kinky wife who can't keep her hands to herself.

"It's really cute to see you blush." He controlled his laughter and then ordered a pizza when I glared at him.

"I miss Suga hyung." He randomly murmured while scrolling through his phone. "You know him right?" He showed me a picture.

"Not much. What about you?"

"We were close. He treated me lamb skewers once a week. It's weird that he suddenly left." He had a thinking face.

"Suddenly? What happened?" I was damn curious about this whole Suga situation.

"He told us that he was planning to settle here."

"Really?" Was I confused? Was I surprised? I didn't know it myself.

"Yes. He liked someone. There is this girl named Jeon Sooyeon. She is the daughter of the vegetable vender. He really liked her and often told us about her."

"Was she his girlfriend?" I questioned.

"Just a crush maybe? He asked her out once. And he was planning to propose her. Then why did he leave so sudden? No goodbyes. No message. Nothing. Doesn't it seem weird?"

My mind was going in different directions. "How many people knew about it?"

"Just the two of us? He is a reserved person. He doesn't like sharing his feelings with many people. He was only close to us. You often helped him a lot in his small love life." He took a big bite of his pizza slice and munched on it while thinking.

"Did something happened between TaeTae and Suga?"

Something must have happened if he doesn't like talking about Suga. Maybe he is obsessed with me? Like the way it happened before? In other life. Who knows...

"Oh that. Should I tell you about it?" He was wondering whether it was okay to tell or not. I motioned him to go ahead.

"Well one time Suga hyung got really drunk. He misbehaved with you. That's why your husband isn't on good terms with him. They had a big fight that night. Suga hyung did apologise but Tae hyung is still not over it. He really loves you. Like really."

"I wish I could find someone who loves me like he loves you."

He finally finished his lunch and left. I was left thinking about the whole situation.

"Honey~" TaeTae was dusting flour off his denims as he walked in my direction. He seemed to be in a good mood. I flashed him a small smile.

Maybe I'm overthinking..
Maybe I was happy. Living happily ever after with my husband.

Or maybe not?

Another twist in the next two updates 💜
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