Chapter twenty four

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Things will either make sense in the next few chapters or you'll get more confuse😂💜🙈
Love you. 💜

Vote and comment a lot!💜


You were named after a princess but he treated you like his queen.

That's what Mrs Lee said.

Mr Kim was making dinner for us. Our actual house was above the restaurant. There were staircase outside, near the gates covered with plants and leaves. The house was big enough for two people. It had all the essentials and had that earthy feel to it with its wooden furnitures and lots of plants.

"Ta Da~"

I looked at the dish he made and it didn't disappoint me. The aroma was out of this world. "It's your favourite lasagna." He smiled sadly and sat on the chair beside me.

"Here, have some." He cut a big portion for me and placed it on my plate. I smiled in return, awkwardly.

I took a spoonful and tasted it. The flavours exploded in my mouth. "This is delicious!" I covered my mouth in amazement with my eyes widening in surprise.

"Do you remember something?" He asked as I took another spoonful. I raised my brows at his question. His expression changed from sad to a defensive one.

"I mean... the doctor asked me to do certain things which might help you gain your memory."

"Oh. Okay." I said causally and sipped water. "So remind me. Is this lasagna special?" I asked curiously.

"Oh yes!" His face beamed in happiness but then he quickly regained his composure. "Sorry, I tend to get excited easily." He rubbed his nape in embarrassment. I didn't want to admit it but he looked cute.

"We had lasagna on our first date. You were fifteen that time. We sneaked out of the orphanage and went to a local cafe." He had a big smile on his face.

"You were really the daredevil type." He chuckled at the end. My face turned into a expression of both an amused and a shock one. "No. I've always been a good girl." I said with my head held high.

"Yeah sure. Pfft." He bursted into a fit of laughter. "Yah! I'm serious." I was trying to prove my point. The casual conversation turned into a casual argument.

"I give up." I raised my hand to give up on the argument. I then looked at him as he moved his shoulders up and down with a cheeky smile.

"I won~"

"I really don't know what to do. I've never done this before."

Mr Kim was making me work today. He said that I needed to work in order to regain my memory. He even insisted me to accompany him for purchasing fresh ingredients at five in the morning but I pushed him away. Five in the  morning?!

The bell chimed indicating someone's entry. I saw two young girls coming our way. "Good morning unnie. How are you feeling now?" They asked worriedly.

"I'm okay now." I said and looked at Mr Kim for some introduction but he didn't get my signal. I narrowed my eyes at him and then titled my face towards the girls.

"Ah!" The signal finally hit him. He is cute.

"Hitomi and Nako. They are the servers." He told me. I nodded in understanding. The girls exchanged confused looks.

[Completed]Yandere Love-Ft. BTS' Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now