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Lin's POV 

I sat in my dressing room the whole rest of the day living off of whisky and the cookies Pippa kept bringing me. I felt like shit. Groff came in during after the shows. He sat down next to me. I knew what he was thinking. 

"It's not because of you Jonathan," I said. He looked up at me, "You know for the longest time I've been thinking, that well I am bisexual, and this keeps me awake at night." Jonathan looked at me. 

"Is that why you're so tired?" He asked. I nodded. I loved Jonathan, I always had. I needed to tell him. I got up. 

"Lin where are you going?" He asked. 

"To my apartment," I said, tripping. 

"No Lin, sleep here, I'll even stay with you. You're drunk and that place will remind you to much of Vanessa." I looked Groff in the eye. As much as I hate to admit it, he was right. 

"Okay," I said. Jonathan began to undress, his back turned to me. He took of the King George wig to reveal his honey brown hair. I smiled. Jonathan threw on an old Katy Perry t-shirt and jeans. We both reached for the playstation remotes. We laughed. We played until the wee hours of the morning when I feel asleep on Groff's shoulder. 

Jonathan's POV 

Lin was asleep on my shoulder. He was the cutest thing ever. I ran my fingers through his black hair. Lin was bi. Maybe we could date? To soon. I soon also feel asleep. I awoke the next morning to Daveed taping my shoulder. I grabbed my jacket and we stepped out into the hall. 

"How's he doing?" Daveed asked. 

"Fine," I said with a yawn. Daveed handed me coffee, "Thanks."  I heard a yawn. It was Lin. He got up and stumbled over to me. He tripped over his own feet making me fall over. I spilled coffee all over myself and him. Daveed laughed his laugh off. That's when I noticed Lin's hand was on my dick. Lin quickly got up. 

"S-s-sorry," He said. 

"It's okay," I said and I began to get dressed. 

A/N I AM SO SORRY! I didn't know people liked this story so much. I know this isn't very long or good, but I needed a filler chapter and knew I needed to update so this is what you got. I'll try to do longer updates. Sorry again. 

---Elegant Panda Ninja

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