Back to the Apartment

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~Groff's POV~ 

I woke up to hear Lin on the phone. 

"You should of talked to me or Groff about this, we would of helped you!" He whisper yelled. There was a moment of silence and then Lin spoke again, "Okay how bout you and Rafa grab some take out and meet us at our aparment in an hour sound good?" Silence again. 

"Okay bye." He turned around to see me awake. 

"First off why were you talking to Daveed, secondly you called it our apartment," I said blushing. 

"Sorry I umm guess I just like the thought of us living together and-" I got up and kissed him. 

"I'd love to live with you," I said, "I have to give my landlord 2 weeks notice though, I'll call her today. We'll have to clean up all my crap." 

"Okay baby now the reason I was talking to Daveed was well, he texted the Hamilchat last night. Aparently him and Rafa have been dating for 7 years and they just got engaged," He said. I gasped. 


"Calm your jets baby, grab all your stuff we have to be in the apartment in an hour," I said. 

~Fast forward an hour~ 

Lin and I were throwing away the last of Vanessa's crap when there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in!" I called. Tobi was yapping. Don't worry Lin hadn't starved her while he was away. He has sent Anthony to look after her. Daveed and Rafa walked in holding McDonald's take out bags. Lin and I got off the floor. 

"Groff good to see you again!" Rafa exclamied. 

"Good to see you too fellow gays," I replied. They laughed. 

"We got McDonald's breakfast cause it tastes good and it's fast okay!" Daveed yelled. I laughed. We sat down and began to chow down. 

"Sooooooo ummmmmmmmmmm when's the wedding?" I asked breaking the silence. Everyone laughed. 

"Not until I'm done with Hamilton," Daveed said grabbing Rafa's hand. 

"Can I see the ring?" Lin asked. Rafael showed us his left hand. Around his finger was a silver ring with an opal in the middle. 

"Holy shit that's beautiful!" I gasped. Rafael blushed. 

"It cost me 6 months rent, but it was worth it so see him smile," Daveed said. 

"HEY!" Rafa yelled throwing one of the throw pillows on the couch at Diggs, "I'm not that self centered and shallow. The ring is gorgeous yes, but you wanting to marry me is way more precious than a piece of sliver with a beautiful jewel on it." 

"AWWWWWWWWW!" Lin and I said at the same time. Daveed was blushing up a storm. 

"Both of us tweeted about of engagment this morning," Daveed said. 

"Why didn't you guys tell us about it earlier?" Lin asked. 

"We were nervous. I was 26 and Rafa was 22 when we started dating. He was still in school at the time. We were just so busy and caught up in work people knowing we were dating wasn't the most inportant thing in the world. I guess we knew we had to tell people," Daveed said. 

"You guys are to cute to handel!" I exclamied. 

"No you guys are the cuter couple," Rafa replied. I could feel myself blushing and Lin began to laugh. I blushed harder. 

"You're so cute when you're blushing," Lin said, grabbing my chin with his hand, forcing me to look at him. I pulled out of his grasp. 

"We better go, but I'll see you two at the theater around 6 before the show," Daveed said grabbing the trash and Rafa's arm. He threw it into the trash can and walked out. When the door was shut Lin pulled me into a tight kiss. 

"You go take a shower in shower downstairs, I'll use the one upstairs. Then we'll go to your place and start packing," he said standing up. 

"Sounds good," I said walking to the shower.

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