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~Lin's POV~ 

It was Thanksgiving Break. Jonathan and I were back in NYC, there was one problem though. Jonathan had gotten the flu. He has been running a fever of 102 for two days and today he finally stopped puking. I was in the kitchen making some soup when I heard a noise from the couch. He had fallen asleep there earlier this morning. 

"Lin," he called out. He sounded so sick. 

"Yeah babe I'm in the kitchen," I replied. I knew I wasn't going to get sick and if I do, I don't give a shit. I heard him get up. He slowly walked into the kitchen. I felt his arms around his waist. 

"You're making chicken tomato soup!" He exclaimed. I knew it was his favorite. 

"Yes babe, now you need your medicine," I said, beginning to pour the awful smelling liquid into a cup. 

"No it tastes bad," He whined. 

"Babe it was either this or the horse pill," I said, handing him the medicine. 

"Fine," he complained, drinking it. It was the week after Thanksgiving, the Monday after to be exact and next Monday Jonathan had to fly back to Pittsburgh. I'm guessing one of my nephews gave him the flu. Jonathan walked back to the couch with his soup. I sat down next to him and turned on Family Guy. He was smiling as he ate his soup. 

"Lin I don't feel so good," He whined, "I might puke again." 

"Do I need to get the trash can?" I asked. 

"No I-" He bolted to the bathroom. I quickly ran after him. He was hurling into the toilet. I slowly rubbed his back while whispering soft praises. I hated seeing my baby so sick. When he was done he flushed the toilet and collapsed onto the floor. 

"Shhhh it's okay baby," I said picking him up bridal style. He was crying. 

"I-I feel like shit," he sobbed. I placed him down in bed. His eyes were puffy and he was grasping his stomach. I grabbed the trash and put it at his side of the bed. 

"It's okay, try to take a nap," I whispered, getting up and turning off the light. 

"N-N-No Lin stay, p-p-please," he pleaded. 

"Alright," I said climbing into bed. I pulled him into my arms, feeling each breath he took. 

"Sing me a song," he whispered. 

"Never meant to cause you any sorrow," I sang, "Never meant to cause you any pain." He was humming along. "I only wanted to one time to see you laughing I only wanted to see you Laughing in the purple rain. Purple rain, purple rain Purple rain, purple rain Purple rain, purple rain I only wanted to see you Bathing in the purple rain."  He feel asleep in my arms. I got up, turned off the light, closed the door and left. 

I was in the living room typing something up when I heard the bedroom door open. 

"Lin," Jonathan called. 

"Yeah babe," I said. He walked down the stairs, wrapped in a blanket. 

"I threw up again, in the toilet," he mumbled. 

"Ohhhh baby, come here it'll be okay," I said. He snuggled up into my lap. I stuck the thermometer in his ear. 

"Your fevers gone down to 100," I said. 

"That's good," he muttered. 

"Baby you're so pale, I hate seeing my Groffy so sick," I whispered. He smiled and fell asleep in my lap. 

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