James and Thayne Jasperson

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A/n sorry if I've been overwelming with updates, I'm getting over a cold and I just wanna write. Also me and my friend @sunnie-bunnie have a shared account called @Sunnie_Roxie and we have a Office one shot book that takes requests so if you like the Office USA check it out. Also I want to shout out @shutuphammy and @THATfriend101 for reading, commenting and voting. I hope you like the story cause it's not ending anytime soon. 

~Lin's POV~ 

Jonathan's was really nervous, like really nervous. In one hour the police would bring in James and Thayne. Thayne had called us about a thousands times apologizing for what his brother did. We told him it wasn't his fault, but he somehow thought it was. 

"I'm nervous and scared. What if he's a really nice guy and is really sorry. What if he's a horrible guy?" Jonathan said. The nurse had put in a second IV to monitor his stress during the meeting. 

"It's gonna be okay. You're healthy and won't die anytime soon, that's all that matters," I said kissing him. He smiled. 

"I love you," He said. 

"I love you too," I replied. 

~Hour Time skip brought to you by my noes congestion~ 

Officer Grant and Officer Smith walked in with James, Thayne following behind. James had only turned 21 two days ago. James had handcuffs on. Thayne ran over to Jonathan giving him a big hug, he hadn't seen him yet. 

"I'm so so so so so so sorry for what my brother did!" Thayne exclamied. 

"It's fine Thayne, it wasn't your fault," Jonathan said, "and your pressing down on my liver and it really hurts so please stop." Thayne pulled away. 

"Sorry," He whimpered. James stepped up. 

"So this is the man I almost killed huh," James asked. Officer Grant nodded. 

"I shouldn't have gotten so drunk and driven. I guess I wanted to show my friends my awesome car. I'm so sorry Mr. Groff, I will do anything I can for you to forgive me," He said, attempting to grasp Groff's hand. Groff pulled his hand away. His stress levels were normal. 

"He's getting a year in prison and he'll have to go to alcoholics anonymous," Officer Smith said. 

"I see," I replied. 

"Are you his husband?" James asked me. 

"No, boyfriend," I replied. 

"Thayne you told me he was his husband!" James exclaimed. 

"No I told you they'd be cute if they were married, but there just dating," Thayne said with a facepalm. 

"Anyways, thank you for letting me see you Mr. Groff," James said as the officer's walked him out of the room. Thayne waved as he left. The doctor walked in. 

"Dr. Good!" Groff exclaimed. 

"Mr. Groff, you will be discharged with afternoon. This is the quickest recovery of the liver I've ever seen in my whole life time as a doctor. If that piece of glass had hit a major blood vesel in the liver, you'd most likely be dead. You must really want to stay alive. We see no sign of anywhere you could get an infection or anything damaging. You'll have to take antibiotics for a month and can't drink until the end of this month. Be safe," The doctor said before leaving. 

"I'm so lucky to have you," I muttered as the nurse came in to help us get ready to leave.

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