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~Jonathan's POV~ 

Lin and I basically wasted the whole day watching The Office in French. 

"God I'm tired," I yawned, cuddling into his lap. 

"Maybe you need some food," Lin said. The sun was setting over the Eiffel Tower. It was so beautiful. I found myself crawling into Lin's lap like a baby. 

"Awww Groffy, should we just get room services?" Lin asked. I nodded. Lin called to the front desk. Within 10 minutes they brought up a plate of escargot. 

"Do we have to eat this?" I whined, taking a small bite. 

"I can't be that bad," Lin said, sticking the whole fucking snail in his mouth. He quickly spit it out. Luckily we had also ordered two grilled cheese sandwiches. Once we finished eating, Lin grabbed my hand and led me outside. We slowly began walking, walking wherever our feet took us. The sky was a dusty pink. We approached a beautiful park with rows of roses. We began to walk. 

"You look so beautiful," Lin said to himself, "so lucky to have you." Soon a flash of light interrupted us. It was the paparazzi. Sure we had both been bothered by the paparazzi before, but never like this or internationally. There were at least 20 photographers and interviewers screaming in French. Also a bunch of fans, who appeared to have flown from America to stalk us. 

"LOOK HERE!" A photographer yelled, snapping the camera in my face. We looked ugly. Lin had just cut his hair so it was short. I was in sweatpants and a Glee t-shirt. There were still a few prominent hickies on my neck and collarbone. Lin was in his grey sweatshirt and jeans.   

"HOW'S PARIS!" An interviewer in a TMZ shirt yelled. 

"Fine," Lin grumbled as we kept walking. 

"EAT MY PUSSY LIN, PLEASE DADDY!" A fan girl screamed. Nothing had ever happened to us like this. And why the fuck was it happening in Paris! Some things I'll never have the answer to. Lin grabbed my hand and we began to run back to the hotel. Paparazzi people kept snapping pictures of us.  We got into the hotel room, people from below our balcony screaming. 

"What the Hell," was all I could exclaim. 

"Babe you know we have fans all over the world, maybe some parts more crazy than others," Lin whispers. He shut the balcony door, tons of fan girls screaming. 

"Now c'mon I got a surprise Groffy."

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