Da Fuck Anthony!

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~Jonathan's POV~ 

I was lying in bed with a box of tissues while watching RuPaul's Drag Race. I hate my pollen allergy. It was almost 11 pm, where was Lin. He said he'd be back by 10:45. That's when I heard the front door open and sobbing. I quickly got out of bed to see Lin sobbing on the floor. 

"LIN!" I exclamied, "WHAT'S WRONG!" I ran up to him giving him a hug. 

"I-I'm s-o-orry, he, he forced himself on me," Lin wailed. 

"Who did Lin, what happened," I asked, brushing away the tears. 

"Anthony!" He cried into my shoulder. He sounded like a toddler. 

"What did that basterd do?" I asked. 

"I-I was in the bathroom, washing my hands. I only had one beer cause I knew I couldn't have a hangover tomorrow. As I'm washing my hands, Anthony walks in. He pushes me against the wall and starts kissing my neck. I try to push him away, but he's to strong. He tells me he's I've sinned and that Rafa and Jasmine are spending to much time together so he's gonna punish me for what I've done. I'm kicking and screaming, but no one hears. He tells me that he can treat me better than anyone else can. Luckily that's when Daveed, Leslie, Chris, and Thayne walked in. They realized we'd been gone to long. They pulled Anthony off of me and now we're here," Lin sobbed. Anger shot through my vains. 

"He'll pay," He said. 

"N-No, Oak, Daveed, Rafa, Leslie, Chris, and Thayne are taking care of that," He sobs, "Do you hate me?" 

"No no! Of course not, you did nothing wrong. I'll make sure he never touches you again," I said. I slowly began to sing, "So this is love, mmm so this is love so this is what makes life divine." Lin was smiling in my arms. I kept singing, "I'm all aglow, mmm and now I know the key to all heaven is mine." I was now rocking him back and fourth in my arms. "My heart has wings, mmm and I can fly I'll touch every star in the sky. So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of mmm, mmm." Lin sang the last line with me, "So this is love." I pulled him into a tight kiss, then my phone rang. It was Diggs. I answeared. 

"Hey umm, I'm guessing Lin's explained everything?" Daveed asked. 


"Yeah ummm can you and Lin come over the Anthony's. He has something he'd like to say." 

"Of course," I said as I hung up. Lin looked up at me, teary eyed. 

"We're going to Anthony's where we can make our verdict," I said pulling him off the floor. We began to walk over. 

~Time skip~ 

Once we got to Anthony's it looked like a Hell hole. Jasmine was crying in the cornor being comforted by Leslie, Thayne, and Chris. Daveed, Rafa, and Oak were yelling at Anthony. I slammed the door to get attention. Everyone turned around. Daveed grabbed Anthony by his hair and pulled him over. 

"Ass hat do you wanna try and explain yourself?" Daveed growled. Anthony crawled onto his knees. 

"Look Lin, what I did was dumb, stupid, and wrong. I was drunk and I know that's not an excuse, but here me out. I know you'll never forgive me, but here's my side of the story. I was jealous of Rafa and Jasmine. They've been kissing each others cheeks and I was angry. I guess in my drunkin' delerium I thought you were Daveed. I was angry and drunk and I never ment to hurt you. Fire me, punch me, call me whore, do whatever you want to me," Anthony sobbs. Jasmine stands up and yells "THIS IS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT!" 

"Yes, I was jealous and-" 

"The only reason I was doing that was because Rafa was helping me with something. You've ignored me for two months, and by ignored you haven't touched me or said 'I love you.' I told Rafa this and we proposed this scheme to make you jealous so you'd fuck me. There are you happy!" Mine, Lin's, and Anthony's jaws fell to the floor. 

"Jazzy I'm sorry. I've been so busy, I realize how useless I am," He sobbed. Lin pulled me into the hall. 

"I think we need to try to forgive him," He whispered. 

"Maybe, but what he did wasn't okay," I responded. 

"It's not, but he realizes what he did was wrong," Lin said, pulling me back into the apartment. 

"Jonathan and I forgive you Ant, but what you did was wrong and horrible. Do you understand?" Lin asked in an angry tone. 

"YES I DO, I'M SORRY!" Anthony wailed. The whole cast comfroted Ant and Jaz that night. What he did was wrong. He decided to go to theropy for anger manegment. I'm not as forgiving as Lin, but it's hard not to forgive Ant. 

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