Lin's Birthday

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~Week time skip Lin's POV~

I woke up to my face being kissed.

"Happy birthday baby!" Jonathan exclaimed kissing me. On the bedside table was a plate of eggs and bacon and it smelled really good.
"Awww babe you didn't have to make this!" I exclaimed grabbing the plate.
"I wanted to," he laughed, "for you my little kitten." I blushed at the new nickname. Kitten, it was really cute. He kissed my noes as he handed me the food. I began to eat. 

Arriving at the theater, everyone was wishing me a happy birthday. Everyone was so kind! God this truly was a family. 

~Groff's POV~ 

I was sitting in my dressing room with Daveed and Oak, Lin was doing  god knows what. 

"So did you get Lin anything special for his birthday?" Oak asked. 

"Like anything special?" Daveed winked. I just blushed. I had bought a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs and a blindfold. He had said he wanted to get a little more kinky in our sex life. I felt my cheeks heat up. 

"I-I-I," I squeaked. Oak and Daveed were the masters of peer pressure, they can make you say anything they want. 

"What Groff?" Oak snickered. 

"I-I-I-I bought a pair of handcuffs and blindfolds cause Lin wanted to spice things up," I squeaked. Daveed and Oak were grinning. 

"You sly dog!" Daveed gasped. Then we got our five minute call. 

~Lin's POV~ 

I was looking at Twitter talking to Leslie. People were commenting weird things on my Twitter. 

AllhailJesus: Go die in Hell homo. 

GodsWill: You disobey god. 

JeSuScHrIsT: Have fun in Hell. 

I felt tears come down my face. Why was the world so mean. I heard Groff come up behind me, I felt his long arms wrap around my neck. 

"Hey kitten," he said. I heard Jasmine snicker, "you look so beautiful right now, I love you so much." He kissed down my neck. I heard the music begin to play and I ran off. 

~Groff's POV~ 

After the show I sat in the dressing room, waiting for Lin to walk in. I looked at the beautiful ring on my hand, why was I so lucky to be engaged to him. I just couldn't wait to be married to him. I heard him come in the room. Why did he look angry. 

"Kitten what's wrong?" I asked, walking over to a half naked Lin. He shoved his phone at me. It was a text from Vanessa. She was butt naked and flaunting her vagina at the camera. It said, "Miss u so much babe. Xoxo💕" I quicky texted her back. "Send your photo-shopped nudes to your boyfriend. -Jonathan" I quickly blocked her number and wrapped my arms around Lin's waist. 

"I gotta suprise for you at home Kitten," I said. 

As we got home I ran upstairs. What I didn't tell Daveed is that I had gotten a small little necklace with a bell around it for when we have sex, so if I hope an inch, it'll ring. I put on the necklace, handcuffs around one hand and the blind on my forehead. I walked down the stairs only wearing those things, no other clothes on. Lin slowly walked towards me and pinned me to the wall, whispering, "we're going to have a lot of fun Groffy." 

A/n sorry this was short, I had homework and school was evil. I'll try to have a longer update this week.  INPORTANT QUESTION! Should the wedding chapter be next or not? Again I'll try to have a long update by Thursday.

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