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~Two month time skip Groff's POV~ 

Lin was helping me tie my tie. We were going out to a fancy ass restaurant with his parents. Sure I had met his parents once before at a Hamilton preformance, but they didn't know a lot about me at the time except I was Lin's best friend. I was practically shaking from being so nervous. Lin placed a kiss on my neck. 

"It'll be fine. My parents will love you, now let's get going," He said. We walked outside. The late June air filling our lungs. We held hands as Lin's head rested on my shoulder. It was about a 15 minute walk to the restaurant. We walked in. Lin's dad waved to us from a table. Lin lead me there. I was shaking. Lin's dad and mom got up to hug him. 

"Dad, mom good to see you again!" Lin exclamied. When they were done hugging his parents stared at me. 

"And this is my boyfriend, Jonathan Groff." Lin's dad extended his hand while Lin's mom just hugged me. 

"Mr and Mrs. Miranda, a pleasure to see you again," I stutterd. 

"Good to see you too Jonathan, now please sit down," Mr. Miranda said. Lin, being the gentleman he was, pulled out my chair for me. I blushed. 

"Thanks," I said. I placed a napkin on my lap. The waitress came over. 

"Hello and welcome to Insérer un nom de Fantaisie, one of the best restaurants in all of New York, what can I get you people to drink?" 

"I'll have a glass of Rosé," Mrs. Miranda said. 

"I'll have a 50 year old scotch," Mr. Miranda said. 

"I'll have your finest beer on tap," Lin said. 

"I'll have a burbon please," I said. 

"All right I'll be right back with your orders," she said. 

"Oh Jonathan," Mrs. Miranda said. 


"Please just call us by our first names, Luz and Luis." She said. 

"O-okay, Luz." God did that sound weird to call her by her first name. Lin grabbed my hand under the table. 

"So Jonathan where are you from?" Luis asked. 

"Oh um, Lancaster, Pennsylvania," I replied as the waitress handed us our drinks. 

"Do your parents know you're dating Lin?" Luz asked. I took a big gulp of my burbon. 

"Yes, but there not supportive." I said. 

"I'm sorry," Luz said. We placed our orders and countinued talking. They asked me questions about how Lin and I met, what my favorite color was, why I loved playing the king, then Lin's dad asked me a strange question. 

"Why do you love my son?" 

"Dad!" Lin yelled slamming his fist agaist the table, "he doesn't have to prove his love for me! We love each other, why do you need to-" I cut him off. 

"Well firstly, he has to most beautiful eyes. I get lost in them every goddamn second of every day. Secondly he is amazing and kind. He treats everyone with respect and listens to everyone. He couldn't hurt a fly. He's the kindest person I've met in my whole life. I'd never hurt him and I love him more than anything," I said. Lin blushed like crazy. Seriously I've never seen him blush like that before. 

"I love you too," Lin whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead. Now I was to one blushing. Lin's parents were awing at us. The waitress came to us with our food. We gobbled it all up. Lin's dad payed for the check and we walked out of the restaurant only to see Vanessa and some random dude. 

"Oh hi Lin!" She said. 

"What the hell do you want!" I yelled. 

"Nothing it's just so funny running into you here. This is my boyfriend Daniel Lewis. He's the CEO of a sucesful paper company called Mifflin Dunder, I'm sure you've heard of it." 

"No I haven't and I don't care," I growled. 

"Darling who are these people?" Lewis asked. 

"Oh this is my stupid slut ex and his stupid slut boyfriend that he left me for," Vanessa said, smiling. 

"The one who didn't know how to fuck you right and couldn't make you cum?" He asked. 



"Get away from me you smelling immigrant and go back to your country," Daniel mocked. Luis slapped him. Lin grabbed my arm and pulled me away. 

"We're leaving!" He yelled, marching me back to the apartment.

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