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~Daveed's POV~

It was 2 am. I had woken up in a cold sweat. Another nightmare. I don't know why I kept having them, but I just did. I had to stay quiet this Rafa was in the other room. I rolled over a grabbed my phone. There was a notification from twitter. It was a picture of a shirtless Lin kissing Groff's cheek. The caption read: I would like to anounce a few things. First off Vanessa and I broke up for private reasons, 2nd Groffsauce and I have started dating. There has been so much sexual tension and love for a while and we finally confessed our love for each other. 3rd I'm pansexual which means I like boys, girls, non-binary people, trandsgender people, anyone. Hearts not parts. So yes I'm in love with him.

That was adorable. There were many comments.


Gay: Congrats

Hamilfanil: adorable.

I kept scrolling until one comment caught my eye. It was from Vanessa. It read "fucking faggots. Don't trust them. They'll ruin you. Fuck them." I felt my blood boil. I retweeted Lin's post with the caption, "Congrats you guys. I always knew you'd finally realize you love eachother."

There were other tweets, like one from Pippa it read, "OMG Y'ALL ARE SO CUTE! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE FINALLY TOGETHER!"

The tweet from Renee read, "Y'all are adorable." Oak's read "I SHIP IT HARDER THEN FEDEX!" That was cute. Jasmine's read, "You guys are to fucking adorable. I'm excited for the future wedding." Anthony's read "I👏FEEL👏LIKE👏A👏PROUD👏FATHER! LIN AND I HAVE BEEN BEST FRIENDS SINCE FOREVER! I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!😏😍❤🧡💛💙💚💜🖤💕💞💖💘💗🍆🍑💋!

Lin Manuel Miranda replying to Anthony Ramos "SHUT UP ANTHONY!

Anthony Ramos replying to Lin Manuel Miranda: "😏It's the truth😏" Anthony was that guy who uses to goddamn many emojis.

Daveed Diggs replying to Anthony Ramos and Lin Manuel Miranda.

"Y'all are to cute, but I'm with Ant on this one." Two seconds later Anthony replied saying, "SUCK MY DICK LIN, BUT ACTUALLY DON'T!" I laughed. I smiled. I'm glad they were happy.

~Anthony's POV~

It was 2 am and I was freaking the fuck out about Lin and Jonathan. They were so cute together. I was trying not to wake up Jasmine, but that's when I saw Vanessa's tweet "fucking faggots. Don't trust them. They'll ruin you. Fuck them." I quickly texted Daveed, I knew he was awake.

Ant🐜: Yo did you see Vanessa's tweet?

DaddyDiggs🍆💦: Yeah, it's making my blood boil.

  Ant🐜: Same.

DaddyDiggs🍆💦: Make a group chat of all the Hamilton cast except Lin and Groff. I doubt any of them are asleep.

Ant🐜: Kk

I quickly woke up Jasmine.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Vanessa tweeted something homophobic so we're making a group chat," I said, showing her the tweet. She rolled over to grab her phone.
Ant🐜: Did y'all see Vanessa tweet?
OAK ALMIGHTY: Yeah, I blocked her on Twitter. WHAT THE HELL!

Ant🐜: That's what I said! WTH.

DaddyDiggs🍆💦: Yeah, what the fuck!

ANDJASMINE: Blocking her isn't going to do shit Oak. We just have to be supportive of Groff and Lin. I'm proud of them. It must of been hard.

CINNAMON ROLL PIPPA: I'm with Jazz on this one.

Renne: There's nothing we can do, but be supportive. We love and care for them. I knew Lin was pan.

Ant🐜: WAT

Renne: Yeah, he kinda gave off that vibe.

ANDJASMINE: Renne, you shouldn't just asume something like that about someone.

Renee: I know, I know it was weird. Once when we went to Starbucks he said the male barista was hot.

OAK ALMIGHTY: We just have to be proud and supportive, like Renee said, but we should think of some way to get back on Vanessa.

DaddyDiggs🍆💦: I have just the idea.

A/N Minor cliff hanger, hope you enjoyed. I had to much fun writing this.

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