Revenge Part 1

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~Vanessa's POV~

I lay in on the bed in my new apartment thinking. It was 2:30 am. You may be wondering why I broke up with Lin, well here's my side of the story. I did actually think him and Groff were having an affair or there was a strong possibillity they were going to. So I bought an apartment and packed up my stuff and broke up with him. I thought if I broke up with him he'd be heart broken and never talk to Groff again, but that back fired. Now I'm living in an apartment 2 blocks from the theater with little money. Yes I was a gold digger, so what? I wanted to be famous and rich. I wanted to be a fashion designer and that didn't work out so I went to my back up plan. Marry a famous person. I heard a buddy from mine from high school had made this musical and it was doing well. That was Lin with In the Heights. So I went to a show and we started dating. I was so fucking pissed. Lin had left me for Jonathan Groff! JONATHAN FUCKING GROFF! LIN WAS MINE AND I'D MAKE HIM MINE! I had to blackmail him into dating me somehow. I didn't really have anything to blackmail him with though. No nudes, no sex tape, no nothing. Shit. I had a lot of hate comments on my twitter.


Hamiltonfan101: YOU SMELL LIKE FEET.

Luz_Miranda: Fuck you Vanessa. My brother is happy with Jonathan! Sure I would of wished he told me personally, but FUCK YOU!

Shit Lin's sister was coming after me. That's when I got a text from Daveed.

Daveed: Hey

Vanessa: What the fuck do you want.

Daveed: Vanessa I need to tell you something and I think now is the best time, I love you and always have since the moment I met you, and now that Lin's out of the picture...we could get together😉

Vanessa: Stop with your bullshit before I block your number.

Daveed: WAIT! Please belive me! I'll do anything!

Vanessa: Send me a dick pic.

That'll get him.

Daveed: ~Image attachment~

Oh my god! Daveed wanted me. Oh my fucking god. He was huge!

Vanessa: Maybe you do love me. You are nice and pretty cute, and the things that dick could do to me and you're not even hard! It must be huge when you're fucking.

Daveed: Call me please

I quickly called him.

"Hi beautiful!" He said.

"Hello," I responded.

"Vanessa wanna come over to my place, I'm not wearing anything," I could hear him smirk through the screen.

"God you're sexy, you're making me wet!" I whinned. Then I had a thought "why do you love me? You're one of Lin's best friends, is this a joke?!"

"Darling of course not. If it were a joke I would not of sent you a picture of my dick, anyways all humans have desires and needs, and my need is you," he purred.

"I'll be right there!" I yelled into the phone. I hung up, grabbed my purse and walked to his apartment. I banged on the door, I was really fucking horny. The door opened, Daveed was in nothing, but his boxers. He pulled me in by the collar of my dress and pushed me up against the wall. His lips smashed against mine. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head.

"Fuck me please!" I whined.

"Despreate are we? I have the perfect idea," He grabbed my hand and lead me to his bedroom. 

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