A Rafeed Wedding Part 2

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~Daveed's POV~

I was finally married to the love of my life. The reception had started. Rafa and I were dancing across the floor. We both really didn't know how to dance so it was kinda awkward. We just looked and smiled at each other. Rafa was a lot shorter than me, which made dancing extra hard. When the song stopped I quickly dip kissed Rafa. We almost fell over, but it was worth it to see the big ass smile on his face. I quickly pulled him to the main table where Oak would be making a toast. Oak clinked his fork to his glass. 

"Good evening everyone. I can't belive Rafa and Daveed are married. It is the happiest day of ther lives. Sure we've only known of this relationship for four months, but they're in love. Anyways if there's anything I've learned today it's not to go use a bathroom at this wedding consideing after all the pictures were takin' and I went to the bathroom. I saw and heard some things that will never be earased from my mind," Oak said with a wink. Rafa and I were blushing like crazy. I heard a obviously drunk Chris Jackson yell, "Got gettm bro." Yep he was drunk. 

"Anyways I toast to love and all the divine things that come with it." Everyone clinked there glasses together. We cut the cake, Rafa and I sharing our piece and then sharing a tender kiss. The dance floor re-opened. Everyone was drinking and eating. This was beautiful.

~Groff's POV~ 

I was sitting in the corner drinking a beer. I was shy. I don't know, maybe because there were so many people I didn't know. I wasn't a shy person usally, it's just at weddings I kinda crawl into my shell. I saw Lin walk over to me. He leaned down and held out his hand. 

"Jonathan Groff may I have the honor of this dance?" He asked. I chugged the last of my drink before saying yes. We walked to the dance floor and slowly began to sway to the music, Lin's head on my shoulder. This was so beautiful. Nothing will ever tear us apart. 

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