Last Days in Paris

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~Lin's POV~

It was our second to last day in Paris. Jonathan was doing a lot better. We were sitting on the couch both on our laptops. I was looking through my email when I saw an email from the adoption agency.

Dear Mr. Miranda-Groff,

We are pleased in to announce that you have been confirmed for adoption and when you and your husband are ready to take on a baby. We are excited for when you are ready to parent.

—Doctor George McStan

"JONATHAN LOOK!" I yelled showing him the screen.

"This is great!" He exclaimed looking upset. I quickly grabbed his face in mine.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked.

"I got the job for Mind Hunter. I'm really excited, but we start shooting in October and I'll barely be able to see you," he grumped.

"Hey babe I could always move to Pittsburgh," I said with a smile, "and then maybe we could adopt and baby and bring them there." Jonathan let out a light smile.

"But you have so many important things to do New York," he said. I hated  when he did this. When he acted I was a god and he was a peasant.

"Not a lot of important things will be happening this year and I'll fly back to NYC if I really need to. You're the most important thing to me," I said, pulling Jonathan onto my lap. I looked into his blue orbs, the same eyes I fell in love with years ago. I grabbed his chin and pulled him into a passionate kiss. His lips were soft and tasted like cherries. I pushed my laptop off me and looked into his beautiful eyes.
"Never change mon amour," I praised as my hands fiddled with his belt, "now we're in The City of Love, let's fuck one last time. Good and hard."

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