True Loves Kiss

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~Groff's POV~ 

Oh my god. Lin loved me, he fucking loved. His lips were so soft. I watched Vanessa leave, flipping us off. Everyone was clapping, it was almost as if this was in slow-mo. I pulled away, gasping for air. Our foreheads pressed together. 

"We'll leave you together for a moment, right guys?" Renee said. No one moved. "Right GUYS!" She yelled. They still didn't move. "Do you wanna watch one of their dicks go into the others ass!?" Renee screamed. I blushed like crazy. They all left, closing the door. After a moment, Lin began to speak. 

"Jonathan Drew Groff, I've loved you since I met you. I love you so much, I don't care what people say and I honestly don't know my own mind anymore. All I know is I'm madly in love with you. You do crazy things to me and I love you so fucking much, and I'm glad you return those feelings. I don't know if you just wanna fuck me and have it be done with or date or whatever It's your choice I just love you." Tears were forming in his eyes. I cupped his face, wipping away the tears. 

"Lin Manuel Miranda, I've loved you since I met you. I love you so much and If at all possible, I'd like to have a serious relationship. You also do crazy things to me. You don't know how many times I've just hugged the framed picture of us in my bedroom to calm down. I was always jealous of you and Vanessa, but now, I want you to be mine. So Lin Manuel Miranda, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked. He nodded his head before pulling me into another tight kiss. My hands were in his long black locks, while his hands were on my waist, grasping it tightly. I was practically melting onto him. Our eyes brimming with tears. After two or so minutes he pulled away, now he was wipping the tears away from my eyes. 

"I love you," he said. 

"I love you too." I said back. I heard an "awwwwww" from behind the door. I flung it open to find everyone. Pippa, Anthony, Renee, Oak, Jasmine, Daveed, Chris, and Leslie. I looked at them dead in the eye, glaring at them. 

"What ever happened to that privacy you wanted me and Lin to have Renee?" I asked. She looked up at me. She looked embarrased, not answearing. Lin came up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"You guys should go, Groff and I are sleeping here tonight," he said. I saw Chris smirk. They all began to leave, but Anthony whispered a "go get him bro" to Lin. Lin glared at him before slamming the door. I saw Lin slowly take off his shirt, leaving him in just his jeans. I was blushing like Hell. He looked at me, smirking. 

"You don't mind do you Groffy?" He asked. Groffy! That was new, but I really liked it. He laughed. 

"You like me shirtless and the nickname don't you," he said. I nodded. We sat on the couch for a while, just talking, mostly about gay shit and how horrible Vanessa was. Then Lin pulled out his phone. 

"Do I have permission to post about this on my Twitter?" He asked. I nodded. Why was I so shy. He took a picture of him kissing my cheek, shirtless. He posted it on Twitter with this caption, "I would like to anounce a few things. First off Vanessa and I broke up for private reasons, 2nd Groffsauce and I have started dating. There has been so much sexual tension and love for a while and we finally confessed our love for each other. 3rd I'm pansexual which means I like boys, girls, non-binary people, trandsgender people, anyone. Hearts not parts. So yes I'm in love with him. 

He posted that and then turned off his phone, spooning me. Within a few minutes, I fell asleep.

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