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~Jonathan's POV~

"I DIDN'T RAISE A FAGGOT!" My father yelled in my face.

"We didn't raise a whore!" My mom yelled.

"We didn't raise a cock slut!"

"I didn't raise you that way!" My parents screamed as I was crying on the couch, bleeding and brusied. I was sobbing. Pain coiled through my vains.

I woke up screaming next to Lin. He shot up to see whats wrong with me. I was sobbing. My parents hated me, called me a fag, called me a whore. I always had dreams about the day I came out to them, my living nightmare. He pulled me into his arms.

"Jonathan, what's wrong?" He asked, he still didn't have a top on. It was 5 am.

"I had a dream where my parents called me a faggot," I cried out, "and they do call me faggot in real life, it's bad enough they text me it, but in my dream!" I was sobbing. Lin just pulled me closer into his arms.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's okay," he whispered. He began to sing one of my favorite songs, Artpop by Lady Gaga, "come to me, in all your all your glamour and cruelty, just do that thing that you do, and I'll undress you." Then I began to sing with him "Keep it tight, sometimes the simpliest move is right. The melody that you choose, can rescue you." Then just him. 

"A hybrid can withstand these things, my heart can beat with bricks and strings, my ARTPOP could mean anything. We could, we could belong together, ARTPOP, we could we could belong together, ARTOPOP, we could, we could belong together, ARTPOP, ARTPOP, ARTPOP." This went on until he finished the song. Holding me tight, whispering sweet nothing in my ears. God I loved, god I loved him. 

A/N I'm really sorry this was short, I really just need a short fluff chapter. If y'all are lucky there may be longer update before next Monday.

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