Welcome to Paris

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~Jonathan's POV~

I woke up to Lin shaking me awake.

"Babe, the plane landed," Lin said. I slowly got up. We grabbed our stuff and got in a cab. We pulled up to a beautiful hotel. We slowly got up to the room. There was a large balcony looking over the Eiffel Tower, a big ass bed, a fancy white kitchen, two nice ass bathrooms, and a mason jar of rose petals.

"Kitten, this room is beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"That's why I got it Groffy," he said. It was 2 am and the moon shown over through the windows. I collapsed on the bed, and I saw I had a text from David. It was a picture of his daughter, Rose, who was now 8 months old. She was so fucking cute. I had always wanted to have kids. As I thinking it, I didn't realize it came out of my mouth.

"Lin do you wanna have kids?" I asked. Lin shot up, he was brushing his teeth cause he didn't trust airplane food. I had forced him to eat it some he was brushing his teeth. Once I realized what I had said, I covered my mouth. Lin spat out his tooth paste and climbed into bed.

"Babe you know I love kids, of course I want kids, but now right now, later definitely," Lin said. I soon fell asleep in his arms.

~Time skip~

I woke up looking at my phone, it was 10 am, aka 2 am in New York, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I had like a hundred nottifications from the Hamilchat.

DaddyDiggs🍆💦: So Rafa and I have some exciting news...
DaddyDiggs🍆💦: We haven't told you this, but for the last couple months we've been trying to adopt, and we finally are! We're adopting her today. We haven't met her yet, but she's adorable!
AndJasmine: OMG
Lin the Dank Meme Big Boy: HOLY SHIT!
Jonathan hasn't realized Lin was up. He was so happy for Daveed and Rafa.

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