Flight to Paris

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~Lin's POV~ 

I woke up two hours earlier than I wanted to, but I guess it was just excitement, and the fact that I had fucked Jonathan's brain out of his ears. I slowly began to scroll through twitter when I saw something. It was a tweet from Jonathan's ex, Zachary Quinto. As in the one who broke up with Jonathan during sex and called him worthless. He tweeted a picture of us kissing at the alter with the caption, "the one that got away." I felt so angry. I decided to slide into his DM's. I said, "you listen here. You didn't let him get away, you forced him away by breaking up with during sex and calling him worthless. If I see you like a picture of us, I'll have your head on a stick!" 

I got up, put on pants, and got some avocado toast. It was 1 am, Jonathan and I weren't suppose to be up til 2:45, get to the airport at 3:30 and hop on our flight at 5:30. I got a response from Zachary, it said... "That was private. I broke up with him during sex to soften the blow, I was moving to Italy to film a move for god's sake! I only called him worthless to stop him from crying, thought I would make him pack up faster, which it did. Also you don't own him and have you read the constitution? Freedom of speech man." 

I was so fucking pissed when I heard a small voice from the hall. 

"Lin," Jonathan called. He had put on pants.

"Babe go back to sleep," I said, hearing his feet come into the kitchen. 

"No, what are you looking at and why are you so angry?" He asked. 

"It's nothing Groffy, I'll make you some toast if you refuse to go to bed," I said. He ran up to me and grabbed my phone, and then standing on top of the kitchen island so I couldn't get to him. He knew I was to tired for his games. He looked at what Zachary had said. I saw hate swimming in his eyes. I saw tears forming. I opened my arms up, whispering, "come down, let's cuddle, I'll protect you." Before he climbed into my arms, he was angrily typing. I would usually tell him not to text his ex, but I know he needed to right now. He finished and jumped into my arms. I carried him to the couch and laid him down. He started spooning. 

"What'd you write?" I asked. He handed me my phone, the message he sent was....."listen to me you insensitive fuck, this is your ex Jonathan, who is currently happily married to the love of his life! You better leave us the fuck alone or I'll murder you! Go crawl back to your mom and cry like you always do. You kicked me out in the middle of having sex and told me to pack all my things within an hour or you would call the police. Luckily Lin had a extra bed for me to sleep on! You better stay the fuck away from us. Now if you'll excuse me I have a flight to catch for my honeymoon to Paris. Bet you'll never know what a honeymoon is like, will you Zachary." 

"Babe that was savage," I said, looking at the hickies scattered on his neck, throat, nipples, and stomach. He smiled. We got one last message saying... "I LOVED YOU GOD DAMN IT GROFF! I LOVED YOU AND I STILL DO AND NOW YOU JUST RUB SALT IN THE WOUND! I'VE BEEN HEALING MY HEART FOR 3 FUCKING YEARS! YOU REFUSED TO GO TO ITALY WITH ME BECAUSE LIN WAS WRITING HAMILTON! SO FUCK YOU!" 

I softly whispered, "let's go make sure we have everything packed." 

~Time skip Groff's POV~ 

At the airport, people gave me weird looks, probably cause it looked like I had been attacked by a fucking leach. Anyway we got on the plane, now the 14 hours of torture. 

A/n here's a bonus chapter since I may not to be able to update tomorrow.

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