First Fight

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~Groff's POV~ 

Lin and I were back in New York from Paris. I had to go film Mind Hunter in less than a month. Lin was begging me to take him with me. The thing was as much as I loved him he could do so many important things here. And also Lin would want to fuck 24/7. I mean I love a good fuck, but Lin needs to understand this is an important job. I was sitting on the couch watching The Office with Lin. He was busy typing something out on his laptop.

"Kitten what are you doing?" I asked.

"Filling out adoption forms," he responded. 


"Well if we want to adopt a baby by the end of the year we have to fill out a few more forms," Lin responded. 

"Lin why are so desperate to have a baby. I want a kid too, but I don't think I'm ready. Besides I'm going to be away until June of next year. I wouldn't want to do that to a baby," I said grabbing his hand. He pulled it away. 

"You were ready four weeks ago," Lin growled. 

"I never said that. I said I would love to have a baby. Lin why are so desperate for a baby?" Then it hit me. He was jealous of Daveed and my brother. Lin had always loved kids. His competitive side wanted him to show them up as a better father. 

"Lin are you being competitive again? It's not a race to be a better dad," I said resting my hand on his arm. He stood up in anger. 

"Who ever said I was being competitive. Stop pretending like you know me better than I know myself," he yelled, pushing me away when I stood up. 

"Lin why are so angry? I do know you better than you think I do. I know you love cinnamon ice cream even though you pretend to hate it. I know you get jealous really easy and I know we love each other so much," I tried to kiss his hand, but he just pushed me away. 

"Look I'm Jonathan I'm nice and kind, but I'm really just an asshole cause I don't know when to let my husband be!" 

"Oh so now I'm the asshole! I want to make sure you're okay! Is this still about Zachary?" 


"This isn't about me. This is about you and making sure you're okay. Do you want some cinnamon tea? Maybe we watch one of Spiderman movies, I know how much you like those and," he cut me off. 

"Get out!" He yelled. 

"Lin-" I reached out to grab his shoulder. 

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He yelled. A tear slid down my face. I grabbed my phone and umbrella and ran out to door sobbing. What did I do wrong? We never fought before. 

~Lin's POV~ 

What did I just do? I didn't mean to I just exploded. I was a little jealous of Daveed and Jonathan's brother for having kids. I love kids. I fell onto the floor sobbing. I picked up my phone and called him. It rang and rang and it went to voicemail, "Hello this is Groffsauce sorry I couldn't come to the phone right now, but leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as possible!" I just cried harder. 

Lin❤: Groffy, I'm sorry. 

 Lin❤: You're right I was being jealous. 

Lin❤: I'm ready to have kids when you are. You're younger than me so I understand if you're not ready. 

Lin❤: Babe I know you're seeing these. 

Lin❤: Please text me. 

Lin❤: It's raining come home. 

 Lin❤: Groffy don't be like this. 

I sighed in defeat. I got up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka. I poured some into a wine glass and chugged it and then sobbed. The thunder was so loud. What if someone tried to kidnap. 

Lin❤: I fucked up. 

Lin❤: Please. 

Lin❤: Groffy. 

My phone rang, I quickly picked it up hoping it was Jonathan. It was Daveed. I picked it up. 

"Hey Lin we've got a sobbing, soaking Groff here saying you guys got into your first fight. Mind explaining why the love of you life thinks he's a horrible person who will never satisfy you or anyone?" I felt my heart drop. 

"I'll be right there!" I quickly grabbed a thermos and began to boil water on the stove. I made hot coco and then poured it in the thermos. I grabbed my umbrella and ran outside. It was like 3 blocks to Daveed's. I ran down the busy streets, to lost in my head to put up my umbrella. I ran up the stairs and burst through the doors of Daveed's apartment. Jonathan was one the couch sobbing, Rafael holding him in his arms. I slowly walked up to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He shuddered. Rafael let go of me and walked to the other couch where Daveed was holding a sleeping Hope in his arms. 

"Shhhh Groffy I'm so so sorry. I had no right to do that to you. Slap me please. I brought you some coco," I whispered handing him the thermos. He smacked me clear across the face. 

"Never do that to me again," he sobbed. 

"I promise."



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