Here Come the Grooms

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~One week time skip Anthony's POV~ 

Tonight me, Lin, Oak, Daveed, Chris, Leslie, and Thayne were going to a bar. Jonathan would of gone, but his allergies were bothering him so he just wanted to go home and sleep. I didn't blame him. It was the first of July and tomorrow was Jonathan and Lin's three month aniversery. Lin also was going on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert tomorrow. I'm glad tomorrow wasn't a show day. I sat in my dressing room looking a cat memes. I felt Jasmine pepper kisses down my neck. 

"Be safe, I gotta go back to our apartment," she said. 

"Bye baby," I said as she left. 

"Wait before everyone leaves, I call a whole cast meeting back stage!" Daveed called. I got off my ass and walked out of my dressing room. Everyone else was there. Daveed handed me a envelope with gold trim. I ripped it open. 

Dearest friend, 

You are invited to the wedding of Daveed Daniel Diggs and Rafael Santiago Cascal August 1st 2015. The wedding will be from 7 pm-8 pm and the reception will be from 8:45 pm-11:00 pm in Palace Place, Central park. (That's not a real place to my knowledge) We know we said we wouldn't be getting married til after Hamilton, but we changed our minds. We know this is short notice, but we'd be delighted if you could make it. 

---Daveed and Rafael

Lin and Jonathan were squealing like fangirls. Daveed and Rafa were blushing. 

"Oak..." Daveed paused. 

"Yes?" Oak asked. 

"Will you be my best man?" Daveed asked. Oak jumped up and down with joy. 

"OF COURSE!" Oak yelled giving Daveed a big hug, almost bringing him to the ground. 

"And Jasmine," Rafael began, "I know this is a weird question, but besides Diggs your my best friend and it's diffucult to be a groom and best man, so will you be my best woMAN?" 

"Of course!" Jasmine yelled. I didn't want to admit it, but I was jealous. Why Jasmine. Sure I wasn't Rafa's best friend, but we were good friends. I didn't like him and Jaz being so close. I will admit it makes me feel really jealous. 

"Count us in!" Jonathan yelled. Lin laughed. Everyone said they were going. Everyone left and me and the boys were leaving for the bar. I saw Rafa kiss Jasmine cheek as he left. Diggs didn't seem to mind. If Rafa was going to play that game, I could too. 

A/n minor cliff hanger. I hope y'all don't mind all the time skips. Please tell me if you do. Anyways hope you enjoyed, sorry this is short. I've been in a writing mood lately and all I've wanted to do is write this. I also have a cold and school starts in 8 days. Don't worry the schedule won't change when school starts. 

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