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"The hell is wrong with yo ass?" DeVante inquires as K-Ci and him continued to load up the suitcases for the trip to Martha's Vineyard.

"Naomi and I got into a fi-" K-Ci soon stops talking as he noticed DeVante letting out a stifled laughter.

"When doesn't she get into a fight with somebody, the girl is like a ticking time bomb ready to explode if you say the slightest shit to her" DeVante lifts up his foot as he kicks a suitcase inside the van with full force.

"We got into an argument about Iesha and next thing you know she was saying something about me getting shot and I told her she needs to mind our own business and that she couldn't even handle herself with Dominic and I guess it struck a major nerve inside her and she raised her voice and kicked me out of her dorm. She was so cold, isolated, dull not the fun loving Naomi that I know" K-Ci explains to DeVante as he soon stops kicking the suitcase once it is fully inside the van.

"Oh, don't tell me that you going let her play the damn victim? She has been playing that fucking role since our Senior year, K! All Naomi does is get inside your mind if you let her and screw you over, trust me I know first muthafucking hand how that shit goes. So, don't even feel sorry whatsoever, you were right to tell her to stay out of other people's business and get herself some own-she always wanna be the damn peacemaker, can't even make peace for her own damn self" K-Ci couldn't believe his ears at the undying hatred that DeVante had towards Naomi ever since he 'claims' that she kissed Dominic that night he visited her in the hospital after she got shot.

"Ain't Dalvin suppose to be going also?" K-Ci spoke quickly to change the subject from Naomi before DeVante could voice his opinion about her once more.

"Yeah, that nigga stay his ass in the medicine aisle in Walmart trying to find some pain pills, I do remember him telling me that he got hurt the other day in practice and was complaining about his back saying somebody tackled him too hard or some shit. He acts so secluded nowadays like he's hiding something from me but I just leave it alone because in due time if he needs to tell me something then I will soon hear it" K-Ci nods his head to DeVante's reply to his question.

"I went to the football field the other day when they were practicing and ask the coach can I speak to him and he gave me the okay, so I'm walking to the locker room and open the door up and X was in there with him and Dalvin looked sort of out of it and X walks pass me talking about he is over working himself on the field and then left out and when I asked Dalvin about the bruise on his face, he told me to simply go fuck myself. I didn't even have no damn reply to what he said to me at all like his insult was ten times worse than when we were arguing the first time" K-Ci explains to DeVante who simply tuck his lips into his mouth as his eyes discern towards his black sneakers that were laced up.

"I don't know what it may be but Dalvin did get his chain jacked the other day by some niggas at some Frat party he was attending after the game, he told me one of them was responsible for his eye looking grotesque like that-so I asked him about whether X was there or not but he told me that he left before all that shit happened to him and my thing is if that shit happened... Why didn't you call me, ya know what I'm saying?" K-Ci nodded his head up and down as he listened to DeVante telling him about Dalvin's abnormal behavior that he has been displaying lately these few days now.

"Like sometimes Dalvin doesn't even seem like himself like he is hiding something fro-"

"Hiding what from you?" DeVante soon stopped talking as K-Ci cranes his neck around as they spotted Dalvin with a black turtle neck on in the scorching hot spring day as they looked at him like he was out of his mind for his attire that he was wearing at the moment.

"Why y'all so silent now?" Dalvin inquired as he touches his swollen eye as he soon digs in his baggy jeans and gets out a mini mirror as he opens it up and stares at his circular reflection as he frowns at his purplish black eye in disgust as he touches it with his index and middle finger as he lets out a hiss in annoyance of the agonizing pain of it.

"Um, Dalvin? If you don't mind me asking but why in the hell are you wearing a damn hot ass turtle neck and it's eighty degrees out here-nigga you making me hot and I ain't even wearing that shit!" DeVante exclaimed in a dubious manner as he couldn't believe that Dalvin was wearing something that was meant to be be worn in winter and wasn't suffering from heat exhaustion.

"Yeah, ain't you a little hot in that turt-" Dalvin soon closes the small mirror abruptly as K-Ci closes his mouth before he could finish his sentence as DeVante perk up his ears for whatever Dalvin may say next.

"I am very aware that it is indeed eighty degrees out here and I know I am wearing a turtle neck and it is my business-I don't need my brother and certainly not your screwdriver built ass telling me what to damn wear. Oh and have you ever thought that maybe...I don't know? That I could be cold?! Just because you are hot doesn't make me feel hot, maybe a nigga like me is cold!" K-Ci was lost for words as Dalvin completely unloaded words that were demoralizing as DeVante kept quiet and kept his eyes on his brother's erratic behavior, carefully.

"Now if you excuse me, I have to go take a pain pill for my back after injuring it at football practice" Dalvin calmly stated as he turns around and heads back into the entrance of the University.

Once he was out of sight, DeVante and
K-Ci gave each other looks as DeVante clenches his jaw as his eyes look around aimlessly as his mind replayed back to Dalvin's outburst and what it could've been about.

"What's wrong with him?" DeVante utters under his breath in a hush tone as he no longer saw a goofy
dim-witted grin and joyful eyes on his little brother's face but more so a scowl and dead eyes.






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