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"Nigga, I will fuck you up!" Emilio soon lunges at DeVante as Caleb, Rashaad and Naomi's eyes grew wide at Emilio's ferocious roar.

Caleb and Rashaad take the initiative to grab Emilio by each of his arms before he could pounce on DeVante as he stood there with a malevolent smile at the shorter stature male cursing up at storm at him.

"Ayo, man step off with all that bullshit that you spitting!" Rashaad yells at DeVante to go about his business as Caleb and Rashaad found theirselves being shook off by Emilio and the rage that he displayed before the both of them.

"Yeah, chill with that shit" Caleb protested as Naomi felt her feet move unconsciously as she steps in front of Emilio as Caleb and Rashaad soon loosen up their grip on Emilio as he pled to the both of them that he was calm and collected and wouldn't be doing anything at all.

"I'm good, y'all... I'm not finna anything at all" He utters in a rather calm voice... but Naomi knew it was too damn calm for even his own comfort but then again Emilio could easily mask his emotions no matter what and it was often hard to actually realize that he is pissed off without him telling you that he actually is.

"You sure, Mil?" Caleb inquires to his nonchalant friend whom of which even had a small smile tug at his pink lips.

"Yeah, I'm good... really y'all can let me go" Caleb and Rashaad soon did as they were told and eventually let go of both of Emilio's arms as he was now freed from their grasp upon him.

Naomi stood her ground in front of her
ex-boyfriend and possibly next boyfriend as they stared each other down as sworn enemies whom of which will stop at nothing to make each other suffer by their hands.

"Naomi, move out the way... I ain't finna get into nothing drastic if that's on yo mental right now" Emilio raspy voice insinuated that he wasn't going to do anything drastic as that word alone flash her an image of Emilio and DeVante getting into a reckless fight that campus security would have to break up.

"Yeah, Naomi move out the way so this corny little nigga can get his jaw broke. Or better yet if he ain't gonna do anything at all then I can continue to tell him about how I had you back in Massachusetts and how you wasn't even thinking about his stupid ass..." DeVante laughs as Naomi turns around to face DeVante as she looks up at him.

"Shut the fuck up, okay?! Ain't nobody hitting nobody, alright?! Look, DeVante you need to go about your business already... get away from us!" Naomi screeches to the top of her lungs as everybody in the college cafeteria overhead the commotion as they turn their heads as their eyes were on them.

"Yeah, I'll go but imma leave you with this... c'mere" Before Naomi could even blink her eyes and before Emilio and his boys could even take in another breath into their lungs... DeVante yanks Naomi by her waist close to his body as he leans down and kisses her lips and slides his hands down to her ass giving it a slight squeeze.

Naomi's eyes grew wide as she pushes him away from her and wipes her mouth and was about to reach up and slap him across the face until Emilio grabs her arm and pushes her roughly behind him into the unsuspecting bodies of Caleb and Rashaad as DeVante stood there with a devilish simper as Emilio soon balls up his right fist and swung at DeVante but he ducks in the nick of time.

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