Harley (Part 1)

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Short and uninformative bio: Harley is the star of the Magic Academy. He is probably an orphan, since the Mobile Legends bio doesn't mention anything about his parents. But then again, it seems like every Mobile Legends character is an orphan. Oh, and Harley defeats some evil dude with a bunch of other kids. Just thought you might like to know that.

*He holds a cup of some red magic potion -cough- wine -cough- in his selfie. For some reason, the police haven't said a word about this.

*He is cuddly and he knows it.

*Can almost get away from any situation like Hayabusa (the ninja guy)

*Likes: Reminding people that he is handsome (and that his magic is better than theirs)

*Dislikes: Having his hair ruined

This is Random Object (RO). RO can be you, the president, a rock, or even that hippie dude across the street. This will be copied and pasted on every chapter.

RO spots Harley and really, really, really wants him to do a magic trick.

RO: Hey, Harley! Can you do a magic trick for me? Please?

Harley is offended. Obviously.

Harley: My magic is not for entertainment for you, uh, whatever you are. You don't see me in a circus, do you?

RO: But you look like you would.

Harley feels quite peeved and would like to teleport away, but that would mean showing RO "a magic trick." He decides to stay put and wait until RO gets bored and leaves. RO, however, really, really, really wants him to do a magic trick for some reason.

A. Insult him.

B. Compliment him.

C. Strike a deal.

D. Threaten him.

RO decides to be weird and choose Choice B first.

RO: Everyone says that you're a really talented mage! If only I could see that wonderful magic, it would really make my day!

Harley: Of course it's beautiful! Can't you tell just from looking at me? And as much as I would like to, which I don't, I only use it for fighting.

The rejection fills RO with determination. RO goes with Choice A.

RO: Well, I guess you don't want me to see a magic trick, because you aren't talented enough to do one!

Harley: Why are you talking to yourself?

RO: I wasn't...

Harley: Really? You must have an incredibly bad memory.

RO is desperate and chooses Choice C.

RO: If you let me see a trick, I'll give you anything you want!

Harley: I don't want anything.

RO: Not even this cute little stuffed animal? I've had it since I was a kid.

RO pulls out a stuffed blobfish. It is quite an... odd-looking creature.

Harley: What is that...?

RO: A stuffed animal. Don't little kids like these?

Harley: ...No.

Harley does not like RO calling him a kid. He is thinking about teleporting away, even if it meant doing what RO wanted in the first place. RO finally does with Choice D but doesn't notice the bad feeling in his/her/its stomach.

RO: I'll mess up your hair if you don't show me a trick.

Harley looks at RO with pure horror.

Harley: No! Not the hair!

Harley randomly pulls out a bunch of cards from thin air and tosses them at RO, which spark as it hits. RO dies instantly. Hey, at least he/she/it finally got to see a magic trick!

Ten minutes later...

Alice teleports next to Harley through a floating puddle of blood. Everyone questions her method of transportation, but no one dares to complain about it.

Alice: Harley, I've always wondered...

Harley: About what?

Alice: Is that blood in the cup you're holding?

Harley: Uh, no. That would be disgusting.

Alice grabs the cup anyways and drinks it. She immedietly spit it back out and throws the cup aside. It shatters on the ground dramatically.

Alice: What is this foul drink? Absolutely disgusting! 

Alice shakes her head. Harley stares at the shattered cup, knowing that he would someday have to buy one again.

Alice: Anyways, have you seen a guy named Jack?

Harley: Didn't you ask that last time, too? And the one before that.

Alice: Answer me, boy! Have you seen him or not?

Harley decides that Alice looks a bit too crazy today. If he stuck around any longer, he had a feeling he might die.

Harley: Yeah, he's right behind you.

Alice swivels around, but all she sees is a bush. When she turned back to Harley, she finds that he is long gone. Alice groans, frustrated. And she feels pretty hungry, too. She heads off once again, in search of a meal and a random guy named Jack.

(RO won't die for the next 20 chapters or so.)

Next up: Alice, the blood-addict!

Hello, my readers! Please leave comments on my story. It really motivates me to write more and makes my day. I usually reply to comments, but if I don't, it probably means I agree on what you said. Well, see you in the next chapter!

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