Layla (Part 1)

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Note: The mysterious bonus content has been added in the last chapter for those who missed it... It's alright if you don't go back and look at it. It would be easier for the both of us.

Sunny-side up: Layla lives in a world full of Malefic Energy. It can permanently make anyone become rabid, much like Roger in werewolf form during a full moon. However, Layla's dad forged a gun that could control Malefic Energy. Unfortunately, her dad absorbed too much of the Malefic Energy and died, leaving the gun to Layla.

*How did Layla get so much hair? Either she never got a haircut in her life or her world is full of Rapunzels.

*Likes: The bright side, determination

*Dislikes: Darkness, giving up easily

RO is feeling quite tired from stalking Ruby and Alucard. Suddenly, RO sees that the famous Layla is back from vacation.

RO: Layla! Hi!

Layla: Hello, odd-looking creature!

RO: Do I really look odd?

Layla: Yup, you sure do!

RO: I guess I should change my look then. By the way, can I ask you a few questions?

Layla: Of course!

RO picks...

A. Ask her if she's happy during funerals, too.

B. Ask who's her best friend.

C. Ask about her hobbies.

D. Ask about Clint.

Choice B has been chosen.

RO: Who's your best friend?

Layla: I like everyone!

RO: Do you have a favorite?

Layla: No. Each person is unique in their own way, so to choose one out of hundreds of people would be unfair.

RO: Hmm, that makes sense. But what if one person ends up annoying you because of their uniqueness?

Layla: It just means that we don't have common interests or that the person has something going on in their life that makes them that way.

RO: But isn't it hard to understand someone who rejects your help?

Layla: You know, sometimes talking to them scares them off. It's not because they're lonely; they just don't want to be bothered. Trying to help might make it worse.

RO: Why?

Layla: They might have severe trust issues. They think you're trying to be friendly for one moment then talk behind their back the next. That's why they might ignore you when you talk to them. It'll be like trying to chat with someone behind a brick wall. They shut everyone out and have to break the wall down themselves. There's no other choice for them. After the wall is down, it's easy to patch up the damage that had happened and go forward. But, like I said, that only happens sometimes.

RO: So, it's a rare case?

Layla: Yes. 

RO: Why are we having a therapy conversation?

Layla: Hmm, I don't know. 

RO: You should become a therapist later!

Layla: Alright, I'll consider it. May I request for more questions?

RO: Yup!

RO chooses Choice C.

RO: What are some of your hobbies?

Layla: I like helping and teaching.

RO: Teaching?

Layla: Yeah, it's pretty amazing to see others improve after you give them a few words of advice.

RO: I think being a therapist would really suit you.

RO executes Choice A.

RO: Are you happy all the time? Even during funerals?

Layla: There are times where I get sad or disappointed. And I don't go to many funerals. I haven't seen anyone die permanently in a long time.

RO: I see. 

RO picks Choice D.

RO: Are you and Clint married?

Layla: Why Clint?

RO: Well, he dressed up as a groom on Valentine's day, and you were the bride.

Layla: Oh, you knew about that?

RO: I know everything!

Layla: We were just having fun. I don't think we're actually married.

RO: Oh. It was a fun party, though.

Layla: Wait, you were there?

RO: In spirit. Anyways, I gotta go to sleep. Bye, Layla!

Layla: It was nice seeing you!

One day later... 

To be continued in the next chapter!

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