Harley's Halloween Costume

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^Something that pretty much has nothing to do with this chapter (except for the clown part).

This happened a few days before RO came to the Land of Dawn.

Lolita opens the door to find Roger and Ruby standing there.

Lolita: Hey, guys! Come on in! I like your Frankenstein outfit, Roger. And Ruby, being a... butterfly summoner is a really creative idea!

Ruby: Hehe, thank you~

Roger: We're still having that competition, right?

Lolita: Yup! Franco seems to be winning. You should've seen how scary his costume looked.

As Lolita speaks, Roger and Ruby freeze and gawk at the figure coming up behind her, raising a butcher knife.

Roger: Lolita! Watch out!

Ruby: There's a zombie trying to cut your head off!

Lolita only laughs as she turns around. The "zombie" drops the knife to his side and grins, showing sharp teeth stained red in certain places.

Franco: Ha! I guess I took this competition a bit too seriously, eh?

Lolita: Yeah, you really overdid it. Your eyes are even glowing green.

Roger: That actually looks realistic, Franco.

Franco: This is what you see when I go without gunpowder for a week. By the way, what's the prize for winning?

Lolita: It's just some tasty candy I got from around town.

Ruby: Well, all that matters is the party and the fun~

Franco: Agreed. Lolita, do you think your crush will show up?

Lolita: I don't have a crush...

Roger: Everyone says you do.

Lolita: ...

A vampire comes and saves Lolita from running off to pray to the Lord.

Lolita: That's a nice vampire costume, Alucard!

Alucard: Yeah.

Natalia fades into view in her normal clothes. She had been thinking of not going, but Zilong would nag her about it afterwards.

Natalia: Alucard is dracula spelled backwards, you know.

Ruby: Oh!

Roger: Huh, I never realized.

Alucard: It's kind of obvious...

Lolita: I didn't know either.

Franco: Natalia, why aren't you in a costume?

Natalia: I'm already creepy enough.

Lolita: That's not true! As long as you get some sleep, you'll look normal.

Natalia: I don't think that's possible.

Lolita: Hey, why are we all standing near the doorway? Come! There are seats for everyone!

Lolita leads Franco, Roger, Ruby, Alucard, and Natalia to a table. Akai is muching on some candy without an outfit. He just came for the food. Alice is already demonic, so she had also arrived in her normal clothes. Cyclops, on the other hand, is wearing a rugged and spiky costume.

Alucard: Are you dressing up as an emo cyclops?

Cyclops: I'm an exorcist, but an emo cyclops will also work!

Everyone sits down and chats while eating the feast on the table. After they eat what was left of the turkey (Akai had already eaten most of it), Lolita stands up on a chair and raises a hand for silence.

Lolita: Since no one else is coming, I'll announce the winner for the best costume! 

Lolita hops down and grabs a bowl of large candy.

Lolita: And the prize goes to-

A knocking comes from the door. Everyone turns.

Lolita: Who would come at this time?

Lolita opens the door.

Harley: Hey, sorry I'm la-

Lolita dies from a heart attack.

Stalker/Announcer: An ally has been slain!

Franco comes around to see what happened and falls over from shock.

Stalker/Announcer: Enemy double kill!

Alucard and Alice get up and run towards Franco's body. However, they freeze and fall over immediately.

Stalker/Announcer: Enemy triple kill!

Stalker/Announcer: Enemy maniac!

Akai comes over with a piece of pumpkin pie in his hands. He looks at the person at the doorway and faints at the sight. Suddenly, Akai lifts his head.

Akai: Wait, let me finish this pie first.

Akai gobbles up the pumpkin pie before flopping down again, dead.

Stalker/Announcer: Enemy savage!

Stalker/Announcer: Wiped out!

Harley: Uh...

Everyone else except Cyclops jumps out the window, leaving shattered glass on the floor. Natalia exits through the back door.

Harley: I always knew I was good-looking, but I didn't know everyone would die at the sight of my handsomeness.

Cyclops: I think that has more to do with your clown costume.

Harley: What about it?

Cyclops: Clowns are scary. Well, I think you're the winner of the costume competition, so I'll take Lolita's place!

Cyclops bestows upon Harley the almighty candy bowl. Meanwhile, the Lord is getting a bunch of prayers for some reason.

Stalker/Announcer: The Lord has slain an ally!

Cyclops: Congratulations! Here's your reward!

Harley: I didn't know there was a competition, but thanks.

Cyclops: You're welcome. Now, I'm off to stare at the stars and do nothing for the rest of the night!

Stalker/Announcer: The Lord has slain an ally!

Harley: That sounds like fun. Can I come?

Stalker/Announcer: The Lord has slain an ally!

Cyclops: Sure! The more the merrier!

Stalker/Announcer: The Lord has slain an ally!

Harley and Cyclops successfully stare at the stars and do nothing for the rest of that night. The others are either away or dead.

Happy Halloween! Even though Halloween is currently 11 months away, I decided to make this chapter (I can't wait 11 months to post this!). Next chapter will be about Rafaela! Argus shall come after hers... probably.

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