Cyclops (Part 1)

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Almighty bio: Cyclops was obsessed with planets and space stuff ever since he was tiny (and still is). Somehow, he is considered a giant in his homeland. As he watched the planets move, he realised there was power from the movement and contained it in an hourglass. He was powerful, yet lonely, and this makes his story quite similar to Odette's. However, he currently hasn't found his one true love.

*Cyclops says he is handsome even with one eye. It is true in a way, since there isn't anyone else around with one eye.

*The still unanswered question: Where did he get that hourglass?

*Likes: Space, stars, astronomy, chasing (don't ask)

*Dislikes: No idea.

Cyclops is pleased to have someone accompany him along this difficult journey to find the legendary haven. Besides, RO was similar to him since no one knew what they were exactly.

Cyclops: Are you allergic to certain things, my friend?

RO: I don't know.

Cyclops: Don't worry; we'll figure it out when we get there.

RO: Where are we going?

Cyclops: It's a secret.

RO predicts that this was the start of a long, boring journey, so he/she/it comes up with questions for Cyclops.

A. What is life?

B. What are you?

C. How was your day?

D. I need to use the toilet.

RO gives Cyclops the hardest question of all and chooses Choice A.

RO: What is the meaning of life?

Cyclops: Life creates movement!

RO: Is that it? Is this the whole reason that life exists on planets?

Cyclops: Believe it or not, that's probably the truth!

RO: ...Does this mean I was born just to move?

Cyclops: Yup!

RO is speechless. Creating movement wasn't a very good reason to live, but Cyclops seems to disagree. RO makes a mental note to think this new knowledge over later and picks Choice B for the time being.

RO: So, what are you actually?

Cyclops: Cyclops, an astronomer!

RO: But what kind of creature are you?

Cyclops: Cyclops!

RO: Oh... that makes sense.

Cyclops: What about you?

RO: I don't know what I am.

Cyclops: But you're something that talks!

RO: Wait, you're right! I can't believe I haven't thought of that before. How do you know the answer to everything?

Cyclops: It's the universe that fuels my intellect!

RO: Can I have some universe, too?

Cyclops: Do you have an hourglass?

RO: I could buy one from Amazon.

Cyclops: Their shipping takes some time, unless... You have Amazon Prime?

RO: Nope.

RO and Cyclops are confused as to why they're talking about Amazon but continue with the conversation nevertheless. After a few minutes, the Amazon talk stops and they move onto a new topic.

RO: What does the universe say is better: tangerines or mandarines?

Cyclops: I'd say it would be mandarines, but, by the power of the stars, I can see that the universe has officially chosen tangerines!

RO: Why is that?

Cyclops: Tangerines start with t, and t is right next to u!

RO: ...

Cyclops: Hey, don't look at me like that! The universe can be very random at times!

Cyclops looks like he's enjoying himself as he talks with RO. After learning that Cyclops wanted a challenging fight, RO recommended Chou, who would probably agree to battle. Suddenly, their journey comes to a stop. A mystical building stands in front of them.

Cyclops: Well, here we are. This is the legendary haven.

RO: Is this what I think it is?

Cyclops: You mean McDonald's?

RO: I never knew you liked eating here.

Cyclops: I only come a few days per month. The food here isn't exactly healthy, but it's cheap and it fills you up!

RO: Oh, well. I guess McDonald's does have a toilet, so it's good enough for me.

And thus, the intense and difficult journey to McDonald's ends! RO and Cyclops enjoy a fancy meal at the fast food restaurant. Some time later, they part ways, Cyclops going off to find Chou and RO just wandering aimlessly as usual.

After a while...

RO is thinking about whether McDonald's is a good place to eat or not and regrets not asking the universe for some answers. Without warning, RO bumps into a giant wall of rock. As it moved, RO realizes that it wasn't a wall of rock. It was a golem.

RO: ...

Grock: Hello, friend.

RO: ...

Grock: Grock thinks you are friendly.

RO: Hi...

RO has still not fully recovered from shock. Grock builds walls around the two of them, trapping RO with the giant golem.

Next up: Grock, with his epic vocabulary!

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