Lordeo and Turtliet

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^Horrible title name, but I couldn't come up with anything better. The pic is Clint's old design, since I said that I would add it in a chapter to show you guys.


It was love at first sight. Lordeo and Turtliet adored each other and wanted to marry instantly. However, there was a feud between their families, causing them to hide their relationship in secret.

One starry night...

Lordeo: My beautiful Turtliet! It is I, Lordeo!

Turtliet: Lordeo, my love! I have missed you dearly!

Lordeo: Me too. But we can not continue seeing each other, or the developers of Mobile Legends will remove us!

Turtliet: I thought it was because of the feud between our families?

Lordeo: Yes, that's another reason. However, I don't want to be separated from you.

Turtliet: Then we should get married in secret!

Lordeo: That's a great idea! Lucky for us, I know who can get us married.

Tommorow morning...

Estes: Sure, I can probably do it next week. If you don't mind me asking, why would you want a turtle as your bride?

Lordeo: Well, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Such a beautiful beak and tail! And don't get me started on her shell!

Estes: Alright... I'm not judging.

Estes secretly judges Lordeo.

The day before they were supposed to be married...

Lordeo and Helcurt duel. Helcurt is accidently killed in the progress. Turtliet's family is outraged and bans Lordeo from ever coming back. If he did, they would kill him. Turtliet's mother comes to alert her of the news.

Turtliet's mother: Turtliet, I'm afraid your cousin has died.

Turtliet: Yay, that weird thing is finally gone! Wait, is this good news or bad news? 

Turtliet's mother: Bad news.

Turtliet: Oh, no! Not my dear cousin!

Turtliet's mother: And that Lordeo killed him. He's banned from coming back. There is some good news, though! We arranged a marriage for you! You'll love who we chose for you!

Turtliet: But mother! I don't want to marry anyone!

Turtliet's mother: Turtliet, you will marry him no matter what. Your dad will not accept no as an answer.

Turtliet's mother leaves. Estes comes in.

Estes: Turtliet, I have come to offer you a potion to help you fake your death and run away with Lordeo!

Turtliet: Fake my death?

Estes: Oh, I must've been early.

Estes decides to give Turtliet the sleeping potion anyway.

Estes: You'll wake up some time after they put you into a tomb.

Turtliet: Got it.

After Turtliet is put into a tomb...

Lordeo heard that Turtliet has died and comes to visit her grave to see if it's true or not. He sees her in the coffin.

Lordeo: Turtliet, oh Turtliet! I see no point in living in a world without you!

Lordeo kills himself beside Turtliet. Right after he dies, Turtliet wakes up from the effects of the sleeping potion.

Turtliet: Lordeo! Why have you died? If you are gone, then I will be gone with you!

Turtliet lays back down and kills herself beside Lordeo.

A minute later...

Alucard: Why is the Turtle next to the Lord?

Ruby: No idea. Shall we eat them, Lulu?

Alucard: Sure. Raw?

Ruby: Let's try cooking them this time~

Alucard: Alright, Root Beer. I'll go gather logs.

Ruby: I'll cut their hearts out~

Alucard: We should give the rest to Alice or Akai.

Ruby: I'll go tell them.

Ruby runs off at extreme speeds. As Alucard is gathering logs, Balmond rushes over with a war cry.


Alucard: Okay, you're invited. What happened to your hair?

Balmond: I have a new style.

Alucard: No... it looks like you've been dragging it through mud or something.

Balmond: Oh.

Alucard: Anyways, we should get back to Ruby.

Alucard brings the logs to their mini camp to find Alice already there.

Ruby: Akai had to go to Layla's Therapy Corner again. He said something about running out of cake. Anyone know how to cook?

Ruby and Alucard turn to look at Alice.

Alice: A queen shouldn't have to cook food! Disgusting!

Alucard: I guess we're going to have to eat these guys raw.


Balmond goes to work right away. Ruby, Alice, and Alucard watch as Balmond makes a fire and tosses the Lord and the Turtle into it. Their meal ends up burning up in certain areas.

Balmond: Look at my masterpiece!

Ruby: Eh, it's good enough~

Alucard stares at the "masterpiece" Balmond created. It reminds him of Gord's face.

Alucard: We should've just ate it raw...


Ruby: The Turtle's feet should have some.

Alice: Oh. Fetch me those feet!

The group gobble up their meal and talk about random stuff. Balmond's cooking isn't as bad as it looks, but Alucard seemed somewhat disturbed while he ate for some reason.

And they all lived happily ever after... except for the Turtle and the Lord. They have to get murdered again after they revive.

(Rafaela's chapter is still coming, and so is Argus's! Perhaps I should combine their chapters...)

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