Lolita's Countless Rescues

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Bio: As a child, she lived a normal life in her elf village. However, war killed all the elves, including her family. Rooney, the master mechanic of the City of Scholars, saved her just when she was about to die. She, like Bruno, swore to protect the place along with the City Guard (I don't know who else is in it). Bruno heard about Lolita and knew what she had gone through. He decided to ask the scholars to give her an advanced energy crystal called the Noumenon Energy Core. With the help of the crystal, her small hands could lift a giant hammer easily.

*Rooney knew all the kiddos in Mobile Legends (I don't know if Diggie counts), but he is not a character in Mobile Legends unfortunately. He is only mentioned in their bios.

*Likes: Peace, protecting others

*Dislikes: War

Alice runs after Miya, who is on the brink of death. One more hit and she would collapse instantly. Her invisibility skill had already worn off, and she is too tired to do it again. Lolita sees the chase and goes after them.

Alice: Get back here, Miya! You can't escape!

Miya: You never know until you try!

Miya accidently crashes into a wall from talking. Luckily, Lolita arrives just in time to block Alice's attack. Miya recovers from her crash and sprints away.

Miya: Thanks, Lolita! I hope everything goes well with him!

Lolita: Wait-

Alice: What is this, the fourth time my prey has disappeared? Are you kidding me?

Lolita: Sorry, but no fighting.

Alice is outraged, but doesn't bother attacking Lolita. She would be too exhausting to kill. Alice moves on to find easier prey, muttering under her breath as she left.

5 minutes later...

Ruby chases after Cyclops, mistaking him for food. Or maybe she just wanted to try something other than those goblins and spiders. Cyclops immobilizes Ruby, trapping her in one place. Sadly, immobilization didn't mean that Ruby couldn't use her scythe. She drags Cyclops towards her and stuns him. He spots Lolita behind Ruby. 

Cyclops: Hey, Lolita! Haven't seen you in awhile!

Ruby: Lolita?

Lolita swings her hammer down, stunning Ruby. Cyclops doesn't move and continues to chat.

Cyclops: By the way, it seems like everyone took a break, but it's still as busy as ever here! And-

Lolita steps in between Ruby and Cyclops.

Lolita: Now's your chance! Escape, Cyclops!

Cyclops: What? Oh, did he finally realize that you liked him? You should've said so! I would've given you two all the privacy you need!

Ruby: Nope, I was only going to finish eating you~

Cyclops: Oh, that's right. Guess I better go now. Bye, guys!

Ruby: Toodles, Noodles~

Lolita: Noodles?

Ruby: Good idea! Hehe, I think Akai might have some~

Ruby prances away, completely forgetting about Cyclops. However, Poor Akai was about to become noodle-less.

That evening...

Lancelot is being assaulted by Natalia. He didn't know what he did wrong, but Natalia seems particularly vengeful today.

Lancelot: Uh, any chance you could tell me why you're trying to kill me?

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