Alice (Part 1)

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^ Sorry if the pic is kind of cut-out and blurry. It wouldn't be a problem if you ignored them, though. They're just there to tell you guys what they actually look like in Mobile Legends.

Short, semi-inaccurate bio: The humans killed the group called Blood Demons and put their queen Alice in prison with a seal. The seal weakened after awhile, and Alice was finally free. Her thirst for blood increased during her time in prison, though, and she wants to try drinking the blood of heroes. However, the reason why she is obsessed with this "Jack" guy is still unknown. Her Mobile Legends bio doesn't say anything about him. Mysterious, huh?

*Her 3D form, like 98% of all Mobile Legends heroes, is horrible. (Hers reminds me of a pig. No offense, Alice.)

*She likes blood so much that she made an ode about it. The ode involves drinking the blood of everyone nearby.

*Likes: Darkness, anything with blood, and blood itself.

*Dislikes: Life without blood.

This is Random Object (RO). RO can be you, the president, a rock, or even that hippie dude across the street. This will be copied and pasted on every chapter to remind you.

Alice finishes drinking the blood of an innocent minion. She looks up and searches for other, tastier prey. She spots RO standing around in the middle of the field. She shoots out a puddle of blood by RO and appears.

RO: Did you just come out of that blood puddle?

Alice: Yes. Now, surrender your life to me.

RO: Is there any chance that I could go take a bathroom break first? I think I drank too much water.

Alice: But you won't have to worry about that. You're going to die either way. It'll be quick, though.

RO is not reassured by Alice's words. RO tries to come up with a plan on the spot.

A. Try to run.

B. Discourage her.

C. Give up.

D. Scream for help.

RO chooses Choice A and runs away, but Alice catches up by walking.

Alice: What are you doing?

RO: Running away... But I don't think it's working.

Alice: Me neither.

Despite that nice little conversation, Alice still looks like she wants to drink RO's blood. RO stops "running away" and goes with Choice B.

RO: I don't look very tasty. I mean I barely have any blood inside of me.

Alice: Looks can be deceiving. For example, elves look pale and don't seem like they have any blood. But in fact, their blood is very tasty.

RO: Oh. That's... nice to know.

Alice: Too bad you won't get the chance to try it. It really is delicious.

RO is now desperate and goes with Choice D.


Lancelot and Odette happen to be nearby. Odette appears to be singing to him, and both doves and swans dance happily around the couple. Lancelot flinches as RO screams and glances over for a moment before turning his attention back to Odette. 

RO: How rude! He didn't even wave.

Alice: Ugh, Lancelot. Almost everyone despises him. Even the very sight of him angers me.

RO: Why?

Alice: He always swoops in to steal my food and then runs off like a coward. He doesn't even drink the blood! What a complete waste! 

Alice waves her hands around extravagantly to show her frustration. She stamps her foot, making a loud thumping sound, and clouds of red quickly rise up from the ground. RO learns that, not only is she a Blood Demon queen, but she is also a drama queen. Alice returns her attention back to RO.

Alice: Anyways, I was in the middle of killing you.

RO decides that there's no way out and goes with Choice C.

RO: Okay, you can kill me now. I don't even need that bathroom break. I sur-

Estes: Alice!

Alice turns to see the king of elves, who is glowering at her with vengence. She, in return, glares back. RO takes this chance to slowly back away.

Alice: Estes! What a pleasant suprise! You know, some of your friends told me about you. It's such a shame that they died. Did you show the others their corp-

Estes: That's enough from you, Alice! We haven't had a proper fight yet, have we?

Alice: Indeed. But first, let me finish my meal.

Alice looks around for RO, but he/she/it is nowhere to be found.

Alice: ARGH! First, Harley and now that creature has escaped! 

She growls at Estes, who holds up his magic scroll, preparing for battle. Alice holds up her hand and transforms, sucking the life out of everything nearby.

Alice: You will pay for this, Estes!


Lancelot and Odette stroll around in peaceful silence, holding hands and observing the scenery. 

Odette: So, my handsome knight, are we holding the ball this weekend?

Lancelot: Yes, my beautiful princess, we sure are.

Odette: Wonderful! I must make plans immediately!

Odette giggles and happily skips off, humming. Lancelot shakes his head. He still couldn't believe how incredibly lucky he was to have met her. If he hadn't, he probably woudn't even be alive. And, to him and the birds, she looked and sang like an angel. All of a sudden, sounds of battle echoed towards the left. He hurries over to find Balmond (a red-colored dude) about to finish off Grock (the golem, in case you needed a reminder). Lancelot lunges forward with his sword, and Grock instantly collapses.

Balmond: Reckless fool! You took my kill!

Lancelot: Reporting does nothing.

Balmond: What?

Lancelot: You were going to say that you're going to report me, right? All the others did.

Balmond: Oh. Thanks for reminding me. Ahem. I will report you, you filthy human!

Lancelot: ...

Balmond gives a loud shout and runs off with his ax, leaving Lancelot alone. But the peace and quiet wouldn't last very long. 

Next up: Lancelot, the narcissistic killstealer!

I'm having a lot of fun making this book. I hope you guys are enjoying it, too! As usual, please comment and see you in the next chapter!

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