Odette (Part 1)

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^ First slide (vid about feeding ducks), second slide (Odette's selfie). That dramatic music though.

The other fancy bio: Odette's family built a Swan Castle to get away from politics and all those presidential fights. Swans flew over to pay their respects to Odette, who seemed to have a contagious smile. She was called a goddess, and she worked hard to master her magic. However, she was very lonely until she met Lancelot. Then they fell in love.

*She carries around Lancelot's spare sword, although she doesn't actually use it. It's just to remind her of him whenever he's gone.

*Likes: Singing, Lancelot, royal balls, swans

*Dislikes: No idea.

This is RO. RO can be anything such as you, a rock, the president, or the hippie dude. I don't recommend RO being you though. Maybe your twin but definitely not you.

RO looks up to see Odette, who is searching around for Lancelot. Unfortunately for her, RO had unintentionally chased him off. A nearby swan swoops from the sky and starts attacking RO.


Odette: ...

Odette sings to the swan, calming it down. She crouches down beckons for the swan to come. It waddles towards her, and she picks it up and cradles it in her arms. The swan looks absurdly happy now. It even seems like it's smiling.

Odette: I don't know why she started attacking you. Swans are usually peaceful creatures.

RO: Not when they're fighting over a piece of bread. Then they honk and start chasing you everywhere you go.

Odette: Those are ducks.

RO: Swans.

Odette doesn't bother continuing the argument with RO. She is certain that RO is talking about ducks. Still, some doubt lingers.

Odette: I... must try this and see for myself.

RO: You should wear a helmet when the time comes.

Odette: I'm sure I'll be fine. Oh, by the way, have you seen Lancelot?

RO: He was here a moment ago.

Odette: Do you know which way he went?

RO: I forgot.

Odette: Oh. That's alright. It sure would have been fun to do the experiment with him, though.

RO is reluctant to let her try the bread test without a helmet, but RO lets her go anyway. RO is curious about what might happen, so RO follows Odette from the shadows. She appears to be heading towards the kitchen. A few moments later, she comes out holding a piece of bread and calls for the swans.

A. Let her do her swan business in peace.

B. Save her by screaming.

C. Toss rocks at the swans.

D. Wait and see if she needs help.

RO chooses Choice D and hides in a nearby bush. For some reason, RO feels like there's a presence beside her, but the feeling disappears after a few seconds. Strange.

Odette: Hello, little darlings. How was your day?

The swans honk in reply. They circle around her, and some flap their wings. RO is reminded of vultures circling their prey. Hastily, RO chooses Choice C and throws a couple of nearby rocks at the swans. However, they miss by more than ten feet. The swans barely notice as they hit. Odette holds out the piece of bread in her hands, and the swans gather around in front eagerly. RO is forced to go with Choice B and screams.

RO: Get away from the lady, vulture swans! Shoo! 

Odette: ...

Odette flinches as the swans jump and knock into each other, frightened by the shouts. They scatter frantically while Odette hopelessly tries to stop them. Soon, all the swans have left. RO decides it's time to go with Choice A and leaves secretly. Mission accomplished.

Later that day...

Odette: Chou, have you seen a very odd creature around here?

Chou glances at Odette for a second then returns to his air boxing.

Chou: What kind of odd creature?

Odette: Well... I don't know how to describe it, but the creature just looked... very odd.

Chou: Oh. Do you mean Balmond?

Odette: No, not really.

Odette feels dizzy from watching Chou move around, although she was only talking to him for a few seconds. Even when he isn't boxing, he paces around as if someone's going to punch him. She wondered if he moves like that when he's sleeping, too. That would be quite... creepy?

Odette: Nevermind. It isn't about anything important. I guess I'll see you around, Chou.

Chou: Alright. Bye, Odette.

Right after Odette leaves, Lancelot comes in.

Lancelot: Hey, Chou. Have you seen Odette?

Chou: She just left.

Lancelot: Where did she go?

Chou: I don't know. I was too busy training.

Lancelot: ...

Lancelot seriously questions Chou's training habits. This is the reason why no one ever has a crush on him.

Lancelot: Anyways, have you seen a very odd creature going around claiming that I'm bisexual?

Shockingly, Chou freezes and stops moving for once. He stares at Lancelot in suprise.

Chou: You're bisexual? I never knew!

Lancelot facepalms once again. He wishes there was someone other than Odette who was actually rational. Chou goes back to air boxing.

Lancelot: For the hundreth time, I'm dating Odette! Have you ever seen me going out with a guy? I am certainly not bisexual.

Chou: Don't be embarrassed! Everyone has their own secrets. Mine is about when I acciden-

Lancelot: I don't think I want to hear about your secrets, thank you very much.

Chou: You're most certainly welcome.

Lancelot: ...

By now, Lancelot prefers talking to Grock than Chou, and it's strangely awkward to have a conversation with a golem.

Lancelot: I was being sarcastic.

Chou: Oh. So, you do want to hear my secrets?

Lancelot: No. Bye.

Lancelot quickly disappears, leaving Chou, who is still peacefully air boxing.

Chou: See you later, Lancelot! And I definitely won't tell anyone about your secret!

RO: What secret?

Next up: Chou, the constant fidgeter!

Hello, my fellow readers! Glad you've made it this far! I like chicken nuggets!

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