Harley Gets Adopted

436 17 35

^Evil Odette

Lancelot and Odette sit on a grassy hill, having a romantic date. A swan waddles up to Odette, who pets it. The swan rubs its head against her palm in return. Lancelot places his hand on Odette's and clears his throat.

Lancelot: I think that's enough attention for the swan.

Odette: Aww, you're jealous.

Lancelot: Of course I would be jealous! I'm being cheated on because of a bird!

Odette: Here.

Odette places the swan on Lancelot's lap. 

Odette: Isn't she adorable?

Lancelot: ...

The swan has a staring contest with Lancelot. Eventually, Lancelot loses. He wonders if birds ever blink.

Lancelot: She's definitely not as adorable as you, my princess.

Odette: You're too sweet for your good, my prince.

Odette leans her head on Lancelot's shoulder. They watch the clouds swim through the bright blue sky in peaceful silence. Suddenly, Odette looks behind her.

Odette: Hey, can I ask you something?

Lancelot: Sure. What is it?

Odette: Why is Harley here?

Lancelot glances over at Harley, who had put his hands to his ears in less than thrity seconds into the date.

Lancelot: It was his choice to tag along.

Odette: Don't you think he looks bored?

Lancelot: I don't care.

Odette: We should make it more enjoyable for him.

Lancelot: No.

Harley: Hey, get away from me!

Odette and Lancelot both turn to see the swan from earlier trying to climb on top of Harley. Odette gets up and lifts it up into the air.

Harley: Thanks. It looks like you have better manners than Lancelot over there.

Lancelot: Go back to being quiet.

Harley: No. I'm just going to shout every time you two say something lovey-dovey to each other.

Odette: Hey, I have an idea!

Lancelot: What is it, sweet-


Lancelot: ...

Odette: Yes! I know a way for you to be included in our date!

Harley: How?

Odette: Well, Lancelot and I will adopt you! You're going to be our son!

Lancelot: Oh, uh, Odette...

Harley: No way.

Odette: Would you rather be bored for eight more hours then?

Harley: Yes.

Lancelot: Odette.

Odette: Yes?

Lancelot: I think I hate our son's guts.

Odette: We can remove them if you want.

Lancelot: Good idea.

Harley: Wait, you're basically saying you're trying to kill me!

Lancelot: No, we're just going to remove your guts.

Harley: Same thing!

Odette: Harley, how old are you?

Harley: Much older than you think.

Lancelot: He's probably going through puberty since his voice sounds weird.

Odette: Oh. Teenagers have to have a talk, though.

Harley: I already know what you're going to tell me, so no.

Lancelot: How?

Harley: I'm not a kid.

Lancelot: You look like you're ten.

Odette: I agree. Should we have the talk right now?

Lancelot: Sure.

Harley: No.

Odette: Alright. My son, teenagers act... very strangely when they grow up.

Harley: ...

Odette: And it's important that you remember...

Odette pauses, and Lancelot realizes what she's doing.

Lancelot: There's no need for dramatic effect.

Odette: Alice told me to do it, so I might as well try it now.

Lancelot: Okay then. I'll stop interrupting now.

Harley: Can I leave?

Lancelot: No.

Odette: As I was saying, teenagers are emotional during puberty. Sometimes, they do very stupid and regretful things.

Harley: ...

Odette: I wanted to tell you this before you make the same mistakes others teens do.

The swan gravely nods its head.

Odette: You should never feed birds bread.

Harley: Huh?

Lancelot: Yeah, I expected this.

Harley: Well, I thought it was going to be about something else...

Lancelot: You really need your guts removed.

Odette: Ahem. We're getting off topic.

Odette waits for silence before continuing.

Odette: Birds aren't a walking trash can. They aren't something to throw spoiled food at. There's a reason why there are signs that tell you not to feed the them. However, not many people listen and do it anyway. Bread grows mold quickly if they are left outside too long, and moldy bread can even poison and kill the birds. Would you want to be an animal killer? Would you want to live, knowing that you killed an innocent creature?

Harley: I killed a creature once...

Odette: Was it... a swan?

Harley: No, it was that odd-looking creature.

Odette: Oh, I know what you mean.

Lancelot: Lucky... Anyways, are we going to remove this kid's guts yet?

Harley: I object!

Odette: Not right now. I have another ball to plan. Perhaps Harley can come along with us when it starts.

Lancelot: He has no last name, though.

Harley: No one does. Except you two, of course.

Stalker/Announcer: An ally has slain the Lord!

Lancelot: There goes my back-up plan.

Harley: What's Alucard going to do with the Lord anyway?

Odette: Who knows...

Next up: Lord (Part 1)!

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