Ruby (Part 1)

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^ Ruby's skin(costume), Hidden Orchid Butterfly. Don't question the name...

ThE BiO (once again): One day, Ruby's grandmother was eaten by a wolf. Lucky for Granny Smith, the hunter grandpa swoops in to save her and cuts open the wolf's belly. Then they all lived happily after... or so the story goes. But the wolf king Haas wants revenge, and plans an attack. Ruby's grandpa dies protecting the grandmother, who was also killed. Ruby was driven insane as she watches them being slaughtered and slayed the wolf. She cut the wolf's heart from its body and ate it on the spot. Now, Ruby is determined to make every ending have a happily ever after, even if hers wasn't...

RO: Uh, I think I have a bed to go back to...

Ruby drags RO along with her scythe until they reach an empty clearing. She lays down on a patch of grass and points to the spot a couple of feet beside her.

Ruby: That can be your bed! I feel like we're siblings now... I've never had a sibling before~

RO: Uh, I don't have a good feeling about this...

Ruby: Don't worry! I'm just here to chat. You seem like you have questions, am I right?

RO wonders how she found out so quickly. Deciding that it was safe for now, RO comes up with a few things to ask.

A. Do you have a crush on Alucard?

B. Do you like dogs?

C. What do you enjoy doing the most?

D. Do you want Roger's heart?

RO seems to have gotten severe brain damage from the dragging and, instead of going in alphabetical order, chooses Choice C.

RO: What do you like doing the most, other than eating raw hearts?

Ruby: Wolf hearts! Others taste nasty!

RO: But they're still hearts...

Ruby: Let me translate it for you. Does cow meat taste the same as pig meat?

RO: Oh, I see your point. You didn't answer my question, though.

Ruby: I like seeing others smile. It feels nice.

Ruby's eyes take on a faraway look, and she seems to lack her usual craziness just for a moment. But only a moment. In an instant, Ruby's green eyes, empty once more, settles on RO again, and she gives a broken laugh.

Ruby: Any other questions?

RO hesitates for a second before choosing Choice A. RO hopes that Ruby wouldn't mind being pestered about crushes, unlike Alucard.

RO: Do you feel like Alucard is the type that you would date?

Ruby: I have no idea~

RO: You guys were having a, um, pleasant conversation about some... stuff.

Ruby: Yup~

RO: So, what's your relationship with Alucard as of now?

Ruby: Hehe, I don't know~

RO, aware of the fact that it would take forever for Ruby to give a clear response to the question, takes a break and picks Choice B.

RO: Ruby, do you like dogs?

Ruby: What are they?

RO: A domesticated form of wolves that is extensively kept around for companionship.

RO is currently impressed with his/her/its vocabulary. Too bad RO doesn't have time to feel proud of the accomplishment. 

Ruby: Do you think I would like domesticated wolves?

RO: Maybe...?

Ruby: Alright~

It isn't much of an answer, but then again, Ruby didn't seem like she could give one without it leading to more questions. RO finishes it up with Choice D.

RO: Do you want Roger's heart?

Ruby: He's nice, but I don't know~

RO: No, I meant did you want to eat it?

Ruby: What? That would be gross!

RO: But Roger's part w-

Roger crashes through the bushes, interupting RO's words. He stops to catch his breath and starts at the sight of them. Ruby swings her hand up, giving him a wave.

Ruby: Hey, Roger! Meet my new sibling~

Roger: That's... a very good-looking sibling you have there...

RO: Why, thank you, kind sir! That's the first time anyone has mentioned my dashing looks!

Roger feels a bit bad for lying, but he knew the... creature would realize the truth someday. Not everyone can be born attractive, and not everyone can stay that way. As Roger ponders what RO's actual age is (his current guess is 158 years old), Ruby gets up and brushes the grass off her red dress and cloak.

Ruby: It's been a good seeing you guys, but I think I'll go now~

Roger: Okay then. See you later, Ruby.

RO: Bye!

Ruby dashes off to who knows where, abandoning RO with Roger. RO wonders if he overheard any part of the conversation and gets a bit nervous. RO has grown accustomed to fear since the Alucard and Harley incidents. Roger appears to be calm as he reloads his gun, and RO gains a bit of hope. Maybe he hadn-

Roger: By the way, what were you guys saying about me?

Next up: Roger, the wolf with pants!

Ugh, I'm being told to go to sleep, so I had to rush a bit at the end. I'm perfectly fine with staying up until 10 pm to write, but unfortunately, I'm being ordered right now. And school really interferes with my time for Wattpad. As a result, I'll probably only upload 2-3 chapters on Monday through Saturday (I have a music group to go to on Saturdays). The 4 chapter uploads will most likely be on Sundays if I have enough free time.

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