Pick-up Line Puns

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(Special chapter! This might be the best one I've made so far... or the worst. Depends on if you like puns. Careful! They might pun-cture your brains if you aren't too cautious!)

Pick-up Line Puns by Zilong, secretly written and published by Natalia against Zilong's will.

To Alice: I love how you always Alisten to me.

To Harley: I can Harley live without you.

(Harley: I can Harley live with you. Zilong: Then why aren't you dead? Harley: Because I'm going to kill you. Zilong: Oh, sh-)

To Bane: You are the bane of my existence.

To Ruby: Will Ru-by (pronounced bee, not bye) mine?

To Chou: You are my Chou-sen one.

To Hayabusa: Your name is too long.

(Hayabusa: I didn't want a pick-up line from you anyways. Zilong: ...)

To Miya: I'll Miya under the mistletoe.

To Bruno: Bruno Mars. Mars bar. Bar of butter. Butter cookies. Cookies for life. Life rejected me. 

(Bruno: Best poem I've ever read. Zilong: I have no idea what I was doing. I think I accidently drank the stuff in Harley's cup.)

To Johnson: Are you John Cena?

(Johnson: You got that right, youngster! I am the legendary John Cena! Zilong: Senpai! Teach me your wrestling tricks!)

To Freya: French Freys are good.

To Cyclops: I Cyclops in sorrow after you leave. (Meant to be collapse)

(Cyclops: Was this the best you could do? Zilong: Your name is harder than it looks. Cyclops: How about I Cy whenever you leave your flip clops around? Zilong: That makes no sense. Cyclops: Exactly!)

To Clint: How do your teeth Clint like that in the sun? It's no wonder that everyone is charmed by you.

To Akai: I hope you would date A-gai like me.

(Akai: I read that as gay. Zilong: Hey, give me a break. I'm struggling here! Akai: Oh. Want a cookie? It's chocolate chip. Zilong: Yeah, thanks.)

To Lolita: I LOL at every joke you tell me.

To Karrie: I wish you would tell me what was bothering you, so I could Karrie your burdens.

To Layla: I love Laying on my bed. 

(Layla: Me too! Zilong: Bed buddies!)

To Gord: Oh my Gord, you are absolutely old... I mean beautiful!

(Gord: I'll destroy you! Zilong: Someone help me!)

To Balmond: You're the second best thing to an almond.

(Balmond: Fool, don't you mean first? Zilong gets a bag of almonds. Zilong: Nah, almonds are better.)

To Tigreal: I hope a Tiger-eel doesn't eat you before I confess.

(Tigreal: What's a tiger-eel? Zilong: No idea.)

To Odette: I still Odette kiss to you.

(Lancelot: Did you just flirt with my girlfriend? Zilong: I thought you two were married? Lancelot: Don't change the subject. Zilong: If you want a kiss, I can- Lancelot: Please no. Lancelot runs far, far away. Zilong: I was about to say I can get Odette for you...)

To Argus: The month we will be married will be in Argus.

To Fanny: I have to keep Fanny myself to keep from fainting when I see you. (Fanning)

To Moskov: I Moskov been blind to not have seen how beautiful your ribs are!

To Alpha: You are my Alpha, and I am your bet.

(Alpha: I already have Beta with me. Zilong: You date your own brother?)

To Aurora: You're more beautiful than the Aurora Borealis in my eyes.

To Eudora: Are Eudora the explorer?

To Irithel: Uh, how is your name pronounced again?

(Irithel: It's pronounced Irithel. Zilong: That doesn't help very much, you know!)

To Saber: You're brighter than those light Sabers from Star Wars.

To Zhask: Your four eyes are attractive...

(Natalia: You like four-eyed insects? Zilong: No, I just didn't have a pick-up line...)

To Sun: You're always there to light my day.

Zilong: I'm done.

Natalia: Wait, someone left this at your front door.

Zilong: What is it?

Natalia gives Zilong the note. It says, "I think I Zilong to you, but you never noticed me."

Zilong: This...

Natalia: ...

Zilong: This is even worse than my pick-up lines, and that's saying something.

Natalia: Who do you think it's from?

Zilong: How am I supposed to know? I'm taking a break from dating. Hey, Natalia...

Natalia: What?

Zilong: You aren't going to tell anyone about my pick-up lines, are you?

Natalia: No.

Zilong: Okay, good.

Natalia: You skipped a few people.

Zilong: I couldn't come up with anything. My brain is dead from all the thinking you forced me to do.

Natalia: You must have a small brain then.

Zilong: ...

Natalia: Well, I'll be back.

Natalia leaves and publishes the book. It goes out of stock immediately. There were even requests for more. After Zilong hears of what Natalia has done, he goes and prays to the Lord for the rest of the day.

Hope you liked this chapter as much as I do! I'm probably not going to make another one, but I might change my mind. And yes, I have skipped making Rafaela's and Argus's chapter, since I am a bit of a procrastinator. Anyways, who do you think sent the note?

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