Hearts and Parts - Starring Ruby and Alucard!

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Note to the forgetful: RO means Random Object

ThE BiO: One day, Ruby's grandmother was eaten by a wolf. Lucky for Granny Smith, the hunter grandpa swoops in to save her and cuts open the wolf's belly. Then they all lived happily after... or so the story goes. But the wolf king Haas wants revenge, and plans an attack. Ruby's grandpa dies protecting the grandmother, who was also killed. Ruby was driven insane as she watches them being slaughtered and slayed the wolf. She cut the wolf's heart from its body and ate it on the spot. Now, Ruby is determined to make every ending have a happily ever after, even if hers wasn't...

*She covers one of her eyes with an eyepatch, but she still has a perfectly healthy eye underneath. (One of her skins/costumes show her without it).

*Ruby is a stunning star... in more ways than one. Almost no one gets away from her due to constantly freezing in place from her attacks. And she has a great selfie (in my opinion).

*Even Ruby's scythe is taller than her, but she's quite strong for her size. Never underestimate the tiny ones.

*Likes: Happy endings, red

*Dislikes: Wolves, sad endings

My favorite rhyme: "Prophet," said I, "thing of evil! Prophet still if bird or devil!" This should be in one of Odette's parts about some kind of monsterous swan. Oh well.

Ruby is thinking about her grandparents as she slowly places one foot after the other. She wonders if they would've liked to enjoy being here. The glowing orange skies were quite nice in the early mornings, hence the name, the Land of Dawn. She accidently bumps into a mutated spider and its child, who both start attacking at once. Without missing a beat, Ruby twirls her scythe around, stunning the wounded monsters. She drains the last signs of life from her attackers through her weapon with barely a scratch to show for the battle. Alucard rushes in just in time to see the spiders sink down onto the floor.

Alucard: Hey, not bad for a shorty.

Ruby: Yup... they were quite pleasant~

Alucard: I see. Well, nice talking to you.

Alucard turns to leave, thinking about killing the giant turtle that had taken over an empty ruin nearby. To his suprise, Ruby follows.

Alucard: I don't think you would want to come.

Ruby: Don't mind me! I'm just taking a walk~

Ruby giggles madly. Alucard thinks about asking why she always says stuff in a singsong voice but doesn't. They spend the walk in silence, except for the occasional question.

Ruby: Do you have any family members?

Alucard: They all got killed.

Ruby: Mine too~

Five long seconds later...

Ruby: Do you like monsters?

Alucard: If they're dead.

Ruby: Me too~

Seven long seconds later...

Ruby: Wolf hearts are yummy~

Alucard: Sure.

Ruby: I agree~

Ten long seconds later...

Ruby: Do you like happy endings?

Alucard: There's no such thing as a happy ending.

Ruby: Some are close enough.

Alucard notices that her last answer sounded a bit off but doesn't comment on it. At last, the turtle lay ahead, watching them with its cold, blue eyes. Glowing crystals stretch out from its head and back. An unseen being darts into a bush in the background, not close enough to alert Ruby and Alucard, but still able to see and hear their conversation. Alucard goes forth a couple steps and stops. He looks back at Ruby, determined to finally ask her the question that had been on his mind ever since he heard about her. He felt like never had the right moment to say it, but now was as good as any.

Alucard: Ruby...

Ruby: Yes?

Alucard: I've been meaning to ask you this for a long while now...

Ruby: And?

Alucard stops and reconsiders his choice, but he already told Ruby that he has something to say. He sighs and decides that there's no going back.

Alucard: Promise me you'll answer honestly?

Ruby: Sure~

Alucard: ...

He takes a deep breath before blurting it out.

Alucard: What do wolf hearts actually taste like? Don't call me a weirdo for being curious. I'm actually thinking of trying it...

Ruby: Hmm... I guess it has this sharp, slightly metallic taste. Yummy~

Alucard: You... eat it raw, though?

Ruby: Yup! It helps retain all those juices and that spongey texture~

Alucard: Oh. Don't you get food poisoning for eating stuff raw?

Ruby: Nope, what about you? I know you soak up blood, too~

Alucard: I only lifesteal when I need to. What's it like to do it every moment?

They have a very lengthy conversation about wolf hearts and blood until the sun rises, bathing the world with its radiant rays. They finally say farewell and part ways. Alucard notices that the turtle is staring at them strangely. He wonders if it somehow managed to understand their talk.

At the same time...

RO: That was it? I can't believe I listened to 3 hours and 47 minutes about raw food and lifestealing! And I thought it was going to be something interesting!

RO storms off and smacks into someone. RO barely has any time to react before being paralyzed and dragged back. A singsong voice speaks, and RO feels like he/she/it had just been knocked in the head a few times.

Ruby: Hi there! Let's talk, shall we?

To be continued in: Ruby (Part 1)!

Hope you guys enjoyed another special story! These are honestly so wonderful to make, especially because of you readers! Hehe, knowing that this book is causing others smile makes me quite happy.

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