Lazy Day (Not a chapter)

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Well... this is just a boring author's apology for being a lazy bum.

If I don't upload by 10 pm, you're probably not going to see a chapter until tommorow. I didn't even write one word today. I've been fooling around, staring at nothing, and drinking water (I drink almost 1 bottle of water each day. And I never exercise, so there's not even a reason I should be that thirsty. Anyways, look at what I wasted an hour of my evening on! Hurray for me!

 Anyways, look at what I wasted an hour of my evening on! Hurray for me!

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Yes, this is my current profile picture. Shrek-Trump looks quite happy to have that cranberry above his head. I spent all my Christmas points or whatever they were called on this border. It kinda blocks out the picture, but I don't mind. That border is the first one I got since I joined, and I'm somewhat happy. 

But you ever get those days when you feel empty for some reason? And you don't feel like doing anything and don't have any life inside you? That's what I've been feeling the past 7 hours. I can't feel many emotions, but there's this heaviness. I'm not sad, just empty. And when I was happy, it felt muffled. I don't smile at everything when I'm in this mood. When I laugh, it goes away quickly and I don't know why I thought it was funny in the first place. Oh well, ignore all that. It was just a rant. I don't expect comments on this since this was an apology to you readers. Don't worry, Gord is still coming!

By the way, I thought you guys might like to know this. Harley and Zilong are getting cut off from the next group meeting (they get too much screen time in this book). I'm also going to try to shoo them out of the next 20 chapters. Freya and Johnson are the ones who desperately need more attention... I gotta come up with something, but it's hard. Anyways, I have to go pee, so bye! 

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