Lancelot's Sexuality

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The fancy bio: Before he met Odette, Lancelot was a huge bragger and got into a fight. He managed to get away in critical condition and passed out. Odette came in and took him back to her castle. Later on, they fell deeply in love. They're probably going to get married soon.

*Unfortunately, Lancelot's 3D form is also quite terrible (like I said, only 2% of Mobile Legend's 3D forms are good-looking).

*Lancelot likes Odette more than himself, and that's saying something.

*Lancelot calls himself handsome, just like Harley. If they ever met, they would either instantly become best friends or repeatedly fight over who's the most handsomest of them all.

*Likes: Fencing, Odette, and applause (for himself, of course)

*Dislikes: Being proven wrong

This is Random Object (RO). RO can be you, the president, a talking rock, or even that hippie dude across the street. This will be copied and pasted on every chapter to remind you.

RO is out of breath after the escape from Alice. RO notices Lancelot a few feet away and decides to confront him.

RO: Lancelot! How could you?

Lancelot: What did I do now?

RO: You didn't come over to help! I was going to die for the third time in a row until Estes came!

Lancelot: Lucky for you, then.

RO suddenly remembers a question that has been on RO's mind for some time.

RO: By the way, what's your sexuality? I've wanted to ask you this for a while now.

Lancelot: I'm dating Odette. What do you think my sexuality is?

RO: Uh, bisexual?

Lancelot facepalms. Just when he thought that it couldn't get worse from trashing all those report messages in his mailbox every week.

Lancelot: Have you ever seen me falling in love with a guy?

RO: I don't know. You seemed pretty familiar with Chou last time.

Lancelot: That kung fu guy that dresses really weird? No, I just told him to change his look, but it got even worse than before...

RO: You weren't in love with him?

Lancelot: No.

RO: You really weren't in love with him?

Lancelot: No.

RO: But you seem like you loved him.

Lancelot: No.

RO: You didn't love him then?

Lancelot: No.

RO: Are you sure?

Lancelot: No... wait...

RO: I KNEW IT! So, you are bi!

Lancelot sighs, exasperated. He turns and moves away from RO.

Lancelot: Believe what you want. I'm leaving.

Sadly, RO would not let him go without further questioning and chases after him.

RO: So, what do you see in Chou?

Lancelot: I told you, I don't like Chou in that way and never will.

RO: But he dyed his hair and changed his regular outfit for you.

Lancelot: That's because he finally realized that he needed a change. Nothing else.

RO: You sure?

Lancelot: Yes.

RO: Are you really sure?

Lancelot: How stupid do you think I am? I fell for that trick once, but I won't make the same mistake twice.

RO: Are you unconsciously talking about Chou and how he rejected you?

Lancelot: ... How do you even come up with these things?

RO: I have a sixth sense.

Lancelot: Good for you.

Lancelot's patience is gone at last and he dashes away, leaving RO in the dust. RO couldn't wait to question Chou about this.

Next up: Odette, swan-hugger!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It wasn't labeled (part 1) or (part 2), since it was a suprise special. Chou's questioning will come after Odette's, so stay tuned! I don't recommend skipping Odette's, since you will miss a bunch of information at the end.

I think there's only one person reading this... or at least one person voting and commenting. Good grief. What has happened to my life?

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