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Eddie and Richie searched Eddie's kitchen for good food and candy, not finding much. They were going to go hang out with the other losers and they were all supposed to bring whatever tasty stuff they found in their house, but Richie had already raided his, and they were losing hope looking through Eddie's kitchen.

Suddenly, Richie gasped.

"Bingo," he mumbled.

"What?" Eddie turned his head to take a peek at Richie from where he was looking in the lower cabinets.

"Nutella..." Richie whispered. Eddie ran over to him.

"What the fuck?! That's huge!" Richie interrupted him with a quiet 'that's what she said,' which Eddie chose to ignore for now. "I didn't know we had Nutella..." Eddie rambled, staring at the little jar. "I'll grab spoons." He reached into the drawer, grabbing a handful of spoons and shoving them in Richie's bag.

"It's unopened!" Richie practically drooled.

"Put it in!" Eddie yelled.

"That's what she said," Richie snorted, laughing. Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Richie, you..." He interrupted himself, grinning as he shook his head.

Richie shoved the jar of chocolate spread in the bag next to the spoons, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Okay, let's go." Eddie started for the exit of the kitchen, when the front door opened.

"Shit!" He whispered. His mom wasn't supposed to be back until an hour later!

"Eddie? Eddie-bear..." She smiled, hugging him tightly. Richie snorted quietly, trying to hold back laughter. Eddie blushed, embarrassed, groaning in resignation. He just hoped his mom didn't say something too stupid.

"Eddie, sweetie-pie, why are you in the kitchen?" She continued, locking him in her arms and ignoring Richie, whose face was twisted to avoid laughing. He could barely contain it.

"Eddie-boo, you could hurt yourself!" She cried. Eddie's head fell, his face going bright red. That's the trigger. He groaned in embarrassment as Richie burst out laughing and wheezing and fell on the floor.

"Mom..." Eddie groaned, defeated. Richie continued laughing too hard, uncontrollably, falling on the floor. He could barely breathe, he was laughing so hard, and Eddie just stood there as his mom kissed his cheek, leaving a lipstick stain. He didn't even bother to wipe it off as she left the room, glancing at Richie's shaking figure distastefully.

Eddie's face was bright red, and he covered his face in his hands scornfully.

"Richie–" Eddie attended. Richie laughed even harder, wheezing for air.

"Y-y–" Richie interrupted himself again with a loud burst of laughter. "Eddie-boo," he mocked, tears running from his eyes as he lay on the floor, clutching his stomach.

"Rich, stop..." Eddie groaned.

"Y-you have l-lipstick," he year out laughing again, before attempting to continue. "On y-your f-fucking face!" He finished, wheezing and coughing. Eddie wiped it off as best he could.

"Somebody needs an inhaler," Eddie mumbled. Richie's laughter slowed down, and he stood up, still giggling.

"Okay, Eddie-bear..." He mocked, nearly bursting out laughing again. Eddie groaned, shaking his head.

"Let's go, Eddie-boo," he continued.

"Shut up, Richie..." Eddie mumbled, face still red hot with embarrassment.

"Make me," Richie responded.

Eddie looked up at him, wide eyed.

"W-what do you mean?..." He mumbled timidly.

"I mean..." Richie approached him slowly, cornering him against the wall.

"R-Richie, my mom's upstairs..." Eddie whispered, letting his hand roam to Richie's abdomen, resting timidly there.

"Oh well..." Richie whispered into Eddie's ear, making him shiver, before Richie captured him in a deep kiss. After a long, heated kiss, Richie pulled away to kiss Eddie's jawline.

"R-Richie, don't leave marks..." Eddie whispered. Richie chuckled against Eddie's skin.

"P-please, Rich, my mom will kill me..." Eddie whispered, slightly more harshly, reaching up to tug Richie's hair with one hand.

"See you in hell," Richie mumbled against his skin. Eddie groaned in defeat, his arms resting around Richie's neck. His eyes fell shut as Richie's lips roamed his collarbone.

"Shit," Eddie whispered suddenly. Richie pulled away, looking in his eyes.

"What?" He asked frantically.

"We gotta go..." Eddie mumbled. Richie looked over at the clock.


"Are we, like, dating now?" Eddie asked. Richie shrugged.

"If you wanna."

Richie grabbed Eddie's hand, picking the bag back up from where he had fallen. They ran to the door, giggling. Eddie blushed as Richie laid one more peck on him cheek.

"I wanna." Eddie replied.

As they passed a mirror, Eddie looked in. He groaned as he spotted three small purple bruises on his neck.

"Richie, you–"

Richie grinned.


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