-38- Perfect

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Another mark.

Another bruise.

Another cut.

Another slash across the wrist.


Every day, Richie received a new mark. His soulmate was obviously a bullied kid. Richie wished he could find his soulmate; protect them from all the pain, the beatings, and most of all, the self-harm.

He hated it. He didn't mind how much it hurt, really, he just simply wanted the kid to be happy.

That day, he'd gone around to the back of the school after class. He'd never done it before; the back of the school was somewhat of a mystery to Richie and his friends. Stanley and Bill were soulmates, see. Anyway, they had dared him to go behind and check what was there. So he did.

He crept around the corner like the guys from mission impossible, then jumped out with his fingers in a gun shape. Then he stopped, frowning. There was a tall, muscular boy slightly older than him who had a mullet beating up a little dude with brown hair.

Henry fucking Bowers.

Henry lifted his fist again, gearing up for the next punch. Suddenly, Richie's nose exploded in pain. He grabbed his nose silently and the kid with the brown hair did the same. Christ, coincidence much? Richie's soulmate's nose got hurt the same time the kid's did. He laughed slightly, making sure Henry didn't see him as he crept slowly back.

Henry was gearing up for another kick. Then Richie's stomach was attacked by what felt like some kind a steel-toed boot. Poor kid. He thought towards his soulmate.

"I'm gonna fucking carve my name into your skinny, pale little stomach!" Henry told the kid, who was sobbing, threateningly, flipping out his blade. Richie frowned, beginning to walk away. Jesus, this dude is fucking insane.

Without warning, on the left side of his stomach, a searing pain ripped from out of nowhere. And another. He checked his stomach.

What the fuck is going on with my soulmate, is someone trying to cut him u—

Henry connected the two lines, making an H.

Holy shit.

"Henry, you fucking moron!" Richie yelled, running back. "Don't touch him!"

Henry was distracted from hitting the kid.

The kid screamed and kicked him in the balls. He dropped the knife, which Richie ran to pick up. Henry was sitting down, cupping his crotch in pain. Richie held the knife threateningly to his face.

"Don't even go near this kid ever again, you got me?" Richie asked. "I won't hesitate," he continued, pressing the blade to Henry's cheek. Henry looked at him cockily, expecting to see some kind of fear, and found none. In its place was a fire of anger and hatred. He gulped and nodded, melting down to the ground. Richie turned around. The kid was still there.

"He won't bother you anymore," Richie grinned, and winked.

"Wh-why me? Why did you save me?" The kid asked.

"First, what's your name?" Richie asked.

"Eddie," Eddie replied.

"I'm Richie. Great to be making your acquaintance, Eds," he grinned, shaking his hand sarcastically.

"No one calls me that," Eddie grumbled.

"There's a first for everything. Now, Eds, what was that you were asking?" Richie smiled. He was truly, fully happy, for the first time of many in his life.

"Why did you save me? You know how dangerous he is, right?" Eddie asked, frowning in confusion and worry. His shirt was slightly red with blood on the left side where the H was carved.

"Well, Eds, there's this thing, see..." He lifted up his shirt to show the H-shaped, freshly bleeding scar on his stomach. Eddie gasped and nearly broke down to tears. He rushed to hug Richie, sniffing as he lay his head down and it fit perfectly into Richie's chest. Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie calmly. Lovingly.

"You're perfect," Eddie whispered.

Sorry that was bad
Thanks for the request tho is was so much fun omg

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