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I'm just gonna do Eddie's story for the last chapter cuz I'm lol uncreative

"You're a fag, you know that? Lookit that, you've still got some baby fat..." Henry punched Eddie in the stomach, making him fall back into the lockers behind him. Eddie tried to breathe without his inhaler; he knew what they'd do if he took it out.

"Wheezy, oh no, are you gonna die?" Henry mocked. "Good." He gave Eddie one more punch, and walked away. One of his goons yelled back to Eddie as they walked away;


As soon as they were gone, Eddie broke down to tears, making his way to the nearest washroom (which was pretty close) as quickly as possible. He rinsed his hands quickly, his feet dragged his shaking, bruised body into the last stall, and he shut the door, not bothering to lock it since everyone was in class anyways.

Eddie brought his two first fingers up to stare at them unsurely.

Fatso echoed through his head as tears kept leaking out, and he decided to do it. Moving his head closer to the toilet and kneeling down in front of it, he slowly pushed the tips of his fingers as far down his throat as possible.

He felt the backs of his eyes begin to heat up with the burn of unwanted years, and they fell harder as he choked on his fingers, body lurching forward slightly, but nothing came. He continued trying, and didn't notice when someone else entered the washroom. He tried again suddenly, coughing and choking, his sobs ringing out loud.

Yep, he decided hatefully, I was born to be a fucking cocksucker.

"Eds?" Whoever was there sounded concerned and Eddie could vaguely recognize the voice, but couldn't quite put his finger on who it belonged to. The boy came closer to knock on the stall door, but it drifted right open. Eddie ignored it and continued trying to get his gag reflex going, but it wasn't strong enough.

"Eddie, Eddie, what the fuck?!" Richie reached around him, wrapping a hand around Eddie's writs and pulling from his mouth, so that Eddie couldn't anymore.

"R-Richie, it didn't work..." Eddie choked out.

"Eds..." Richie began. Eddie's breath hitched and he began to sob insults at himself, telling Richie what Henry had said. He rambled on, not really knowing what he was saying, simply repeating like a parrot.

"Why don't you hate me like everyone else?" He asked, looking up at Richie with tears in his eyes, before breaking down sobbing again.

"Shhh, baby..." Richie began. Eddie's heart sped. Richie had never used that nickname for him. "You're none of that, Eddie. You're beautiful, and you don't need to throw up your guts, you don't need to starve yourself, you're a wonderful person, I promise, Eddie. You don't need to be thinner, Eddie. Your body is perfect, I swear to fucking God." They were now both crying, and Eddie blushed hard. "You're perfect, Eddie. Don't change." Richie finished, making Eddie grab Richie's shirt and cry even harder, this time for a different reason.

He felt like someone loved him, and Richie hugging him and comforting him made him feel like he finally fucking mattered. Somebody loved him, even if it was just as a friend, Richie loved him.

"Thank you," he mumbled, looking up into Richie's eyes. He was debating with himself as to wether or not he should... The urge overtook his reasonability, and he grabbed Richie's collar, tilting his head up to kiss him and blushing. Richie didn't kiss back. Shit. Eddie began to cry again, getting up out of Richie's lap and wriggling his hand out of Richie's grip before walking to the door, muttering a small, "I'm sorry."

He ran down the hall, careful that no one would see him, trying to get to the roof. He knew what he had to do, and people wouldn't miss him too much. They'd get over him. Tears overflowed from his eyes, dripping down to the dirty school floor.

Eddie had just made it to the landing of the stairs when someone caught the back of his shirt. He braced himself for impact, but instead felt someone's arms around him, embracing him softly, and he felt a tear from someone else's eyes splash onto his shoulder. His body was still facing away from whoever it was, but Eddie hoped it was Richie.

"Eddie?" Yes, it's Richie. He confirmed to himself, turning around to see Richie's face. He was met with another kiss, softer this time, and Richie loosened his grip so Eddie could turn around for an easier angle. Very quickly, though, they both pulled away so that if anyone passed they wouldn't get caught, but they kept their arms around each other.

A girl passed them not long after, giving them a strange look.

"No homo," Richie said loud enough that she heard, and Eddie burst into laughter, grabbing onto Richie's torso to keep himself upright. After what felt like a long time to Eddie, his giggles died down. The girl was gone, and Richie was still grinning.

"Eds?" Richie asked.

"Yeah?" Eddie replied. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face no matter how hard he tried. He was in Richie's arms again, and he was happy. Richie did love him, and Richie did accept him, so he could forget about the roof.

"C-can you date me?" Richie asked, timid for once in his life. A wide, thankful smile appeared on his face when Eddie nodded, grinning.

"No homo, though." He said, bursting out into laughter along with his new boyfriend.

Aight, there.
I should have put some warnings on these, shouldn't I... Sorry
Edit: I went back & put one we're all good
It's four in the morning & fuck, the cover I made looks fine

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