-36- I Look Good in Stripes (2/2)

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The woman walked Eddie back out to the front, giving him a comforting hug as he left for his car.

"Thank you," Eddie smiled. She was probably the kindest woman he had ever met. Aside from Beverly, of course.

"It's no problem. Get a good sleep, okay kid?" she told him, patting his shoulder. He nodded.

"I will. Have a good day," he waved as he got back in his car and drove it home to Richie's house. He pulled in the driveway, heading around to the back door to feel around on top of the doorframe for the extra key. He had to stand on a chair to reach. He grabbed it and hopped down off the chair, lifting it back to its place. He ran back around to the front and unlocked the door, opening it and stepping in. The house was surprisingly warm, and instead of feeling lonely, it felt comforting.

He looked around, placing the keys on a small row or hooks by the door. Of course, he had been here before, but he'd been occupied, and it had been crowded. Eddie smiled, making his way up to the bedrooms. Most were clean, but there was one, the one with the double bed, that was a bit of a mess. Yep, Eddie laughed, this is it.

He entered the room, plopping down on the bed. He grabbed a faded blue Derry elementary gym t-shirt, and brought it to his face, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath of the smell of Richie. Eddie chuckled, laying the shirt down beside him.

His smile faded quickly when he thought of the situation Richie was facing. They both were facing. He frowned softly, beginning to cry.

Fourth fucking time today... Eddie, don't be such a bitch, he thought to himself, sniffing softly. He laughed at himself, and got up off the bed to clean up the place.

When he finished, it was around eight-thirty, and he hadn't gone home all day since he had stomped out on his mother. Maybe he should go apologize, Eddie reasoned. No. No, he couldn't. Shaking his head, he shuffled downstairs to see if there was anything he knew how to make in the kitchen. There was. He ate a short, filling dinner of macaroni before cleaning up after himself and going back to Richie's bedroom.

Somehow, because of some pretty bad mental exhaustion, Eddie fell asleep very soon in Richie's bed, not even bothering to change.

The next morning as his eyes floated open, remnants of sleep clouding his vision, he looked around. With only a very vague sense of familiarity, and very different decor from the entirety of his house, this room felt almost completely stranger to Eddie. He began to freak out, before his brain registered the events of the previous night. He calmed down quickly, relaxing back onto the comfy mess of the bedsheets.

Slowly, he realized he wasn't falling back to sleep anytime soon, so he got up, checking the clock. Had he really slept a full eleven hours? Damn, it really was eight o'clock. He smiled softly, and headed downstairs to nab some cereal or something from the cupboard. There was nothing. He huffed, moving instead to grab some eggs. There were none. He frowned.

Eddie made his way over to the pantry to get some oatmeal, or maybe some apple sauce or something. There was nothing. All there was, and he hadn't noticed this yesterday, was Kraft dinner and crackers, and a box of Fruit Loops. He blinked, looking over at the fruit bowl, since he knew Fruit Loops were not the healthiest. There was an old banana and a bruised-up apple. He sighed, shaking his head. Richie obviously didn't take care of himself too well.

He couldn't believe he hadn't had the chance to see it before now.

Visiting hours were quite awhile from then, so Eddie headed out to the store to stock up Richie's kitchen. He bought fruits and vegetables, and anything else healthy that he would generally keep in a house. When he returned, he put everything away quickly, and he smiled to himself when it was all in place.

I can finally make breakfast.

A week or so later, Eddie had all his documents and testimonies prepared, and since he had so much time just hanging out alone at Richie's house, they were pretty good. He'd revised them over and over and over again, and he felt okay; their court hearing was tomorrow. He had no idea how it had been organized, let alone on such short notice, but he thought it best not to ask. He hated complicated laws and shit.

It was his birthday, but for now he didn't particularly care. He cared more about getting his boyfriend out of jail and into his arms. They'd celebrate his birthday later. If it worked out.

He slept restlessly and meagrely that night, going over everything he'd say. His mother was no doubt going to find out, since it would, of course, be broadcasted all over TV. This was Derry. It's not like there was any other news ever.

The next day went by like a flash of lightning. Eddie had gotten up after a few lonely hours of sleep and paced around the house nervously, poking at but not eating much of his maple syrup and oatmeal. He was sure he would throw up.

Later, in the courtroom, Eddie barely used his inhaler, which he'd gotten as replacement from the drugstore. Richie watched him proudly as he testified, recounting the whole story as confidently as he could. He surprised the room of reporters with what he said, surprised his mother with the fact that he was saying it and surprised Richie with how confidently he spoke. He ended with "I love you, Richie," and everyone was gobsmacked, as was expected.

The judge ruled Richie innocent, and while Sonya Kaspbrak sobbed in front of her TV, Eddie smiled the widest smile he'd sported in a long time.

That night, at Richie's house and this time with Richie, Eddie didn't lose his smile. Over dinner, a meal cooked by Eddie himself, the two couldn't hide their happiness. They feasted themselves on the delicious soup Eddie had made and then for dessert the small birthday cake he'd made the night before just for fun.

They left their dishes on the table, ignoring them for now.

"It's good to be back," Richie grinned at his lover.

"It's good to have you back," Eddie replied, staring dreamily back up at Richie. "I missed you," he whispered. Richie smiled, wrapping an arm around Eddie's torso and pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

He pulled away, staring down into Eddie's eyes as they walked slowly into the bedroom. Then he grinned mischievously, turning around and dropping them both on the bed with Eddie underneath him.

"You better watch out for me, I'm a criminal," he winked. Eddie blushed and scoffed.

"Oh please, the only thing rough about you is the edges of your fingernails," Eddie retorted.

"Wanna bet?"

Ok yeah I know trials and laws and shit probably don't work like that but I was feeling too lazy to look it up and write according to the truth so ignore it

& also holy shit 2k

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