-25- Hands Off

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Y'all I haven't thanked u for 1k reads yet... THANK YOU!!

Trigger warning rape & homophobic slurs

Richie frowned, walking hurriedly to the exit of the school, and hoping no one was following him. Or looking at him. Or thinking of him. Especially not Eddie.

The day before, someone had overheard him in the cafeteria telling Ben quietly that he was gay... Quite possibly for Eddie. Ben had been supportive, but... Whomever had heard had not. The morning after, when he had arrived at school, he found out quickly that everyone knew. At first he'd screamed angrily at Ben for telling, but he'd stopped when he realized Ben was telling the truth about his loyalty. Then, at lunch break, he had a small run-in with Henry, who was flanked by Patrick, Victor and Belch. It wasn't a terribly harmful run-in, so much as a threatening one, since teachers stood nearby.

"If I catch you after school, you little fag, you're in some big fucking trouble." he had laughed, throwing Richie on his ass. Richie's eyes had caught the terrifying sight, as Henry, Belch and Victor walked away, of Patrick licking his lips and staring down at the younger boy. Richie had cowered slightly under his sadistic gaze, before relaxing as Patrick had walked away to follow Bowers. He had nearly begun crying, but Eddie had passed him right at that moment, which diverted his attention.

Eddie wouldn't even look at him. Richie had groaned, a sad, self-hateful sound, feeling tears build up behind his eyes and covering his face.

Now, he walked out the front door, ready for his weekend to begin so he could get out of that hell and into a different one. Home. To his horror, Henry Bowers stood in front of the trees facing the front of the school, grinning at him. Somehow, his grin, along with Patrick's, was even worse than a glare. It was haunting. Richie gulped, trying to pretend he hadn't noticed Henry and Patrick, and walking away quickly.

"Hey there, four-eyed fag," Henry sneered, grabbing him by the backpack and pulling him backwards, right into Patrick's bony, long arms. "You're coming with us." They pulled a struggling Richie into an abandoned alleyway of town, where no one was and no one would be. It wasn't all too far from the school, but it was far enough that it wasn't a hangout place.

Henry took out his pocket knife, flipping it open. "You're gonna let my friend here have some fun with you. He's been very lonely," Henry pouted, before laughing with Patrick. Richie's magnified eyes widened, and he struggled harder to escape from the tight grips that held him like chains on a prisoner. He screamed, yelling at anything that could hear him to come help him, but no one heard... Or no one cared. That was what scared him the most.

He tried to pull free of the hands that held him down, with no success. "No, no, no, no... No! No, let me GO, you assholes!" He yelled, nearly crying again. He saw in his peripheral, Patrick licking his lips again, grinning madly. Henry pressed his pocket knife to Richie's throat.

"Don't run or I'll slit your fucking throat, you worthless faggot," Henry threatened. Richie groaned in despair, feeling Patrick's hand rub against his chest, migrating under the buttons of his stupid Hawaiian-print shirt.

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" Richie screamed, making Patrick flinch, but continue. Henry was still holding Richie's hands back, and a knife to his neck, which meant Richie couldn't do shit about this, whatever the fuck it was. Patrick began, with long, spider-like hands, undoing Richie's buttons to reveal his pale, milky chest. When he got it almost fully open, he leaned down to whisper something in the younger boy's ear.

"Just pretend like I'm your little fag-friend... Then it might even feel good." he laughed like a madman, before finishing off the last few buttons. Richie realized, finally, what was really happening, and screamed.

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