-15- Windows

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Some Taylor swift ass shit up in this joint

Oh also...


Eddie's eyes flew open, his heat pounding and his arms shaking. A sheen of cold sweat covered his skin and he pulled the blankets as far up his body as he could. He felt alone, unsafe, terrified. His body shook with tears as he reached to take a puff of his inhaler. He looked around his room wide eyed, afraid even to blink in fear he might miss something.

When Eddie's eyes landed on the window, he saw light from the window beside his. Is Richie still awake? He thought. Propping himself up on his arms, he peeked out the window. There was Richie, book and flashlight in hand, reading in his pyjamas. Eddie listened for any sign his mother was awake, before running to flick his lights on and off to get Richie's attention. Success.

Eddie grabbed a wide notebook he had, and a kiddie marker, scrawling out a message in thick black letters.

Y r u still up?? He wrote, showing it to Richie who shined his flashlight on the sign. He shrugged, reaching for a piece of paper from his shelf. He scrawled something out in permanent marker, flattening it in the window and shining the flashlight through so Eddie could read.

Couldn't sleep. U? He had written.

Nightmare. Eddie replied. He already felt less alone, and safer with Richie's company.

Sucks. Wanna come over? Richie wrote back.

Eddie nodded. Richie grinned as Eddie snuck slowly down the stairs. He knew how to do this without waking his mom. He had experience. When he was at Richie's door, he let himself in, tiptoeing up to Richie's room. As he walked in, Richie looked up from his book.

"Wanna cuddle?" He whispered, grinning.

"That's gay," Eddie joked, laughing and making Richie shrug.

"Never said I wasn't," he replied nonchalantly, before realizing what he had said and slapping both hands over his mouth.

"Wh-what?" Eddie whispered, nearly silently. Richie sighed, realizing he couldn't avoid it anymore.

"Eds, I'm gay. And before you say it, yes I know I'm disgusting and wrong and weird and a fag. I get it. You can leave if you want," he mumbled, letting his face fall into his hands.

His torso began to shake as he cried into his palms silently, his tears falling from his face onto the book that still sat in his lap on the bed. He felt a hand on his shoulder, bracing himself for impact. He gasped when Eddie shoved him down onto the bed, knocking his book to the floor.

Richie stared at Eddie's face. His features were stone cold. Richie was sincerely confused. Eddie was crawling on the bed on top of him... What the fuck?

Richie felt Eddie's lips collide with his, kissing back immediately. What the fuck?! After composing himself, he flipped them over so he was on top, as Eddie tangled his fingers in Richie's hair, tugging. Richie let a small noise of content, making Eddie grin. The two pulled away after awhile.

"Hey, Rich..." Eddie whispered. Richie looked down at him.


"Do you have, like, a hair-pulling kink?" He asked, giggling.

Richie grinned. "That depends..." He leaned down to nip at the soft flesh of Eddie's neck, making him whimper softly, his eyes falling shut.

"Do you have a biting kink?"Richie asked, making Eddie grin.

"Depends..." He replied sassily.

"On what?"

"Wether or not you're my boyfriend," Eddie replied, winking. Richie nodded, pulling him in for another kiss.

Woooo gayness
P.S. Gotta love internalized homophobia :')

Ok so here's what happened. I was about to publish chapter 14 yesterday, and as i looked through the chapters, it wasnt there. not just that the text wasnt there, like the entire fuckin thing was just gone. i didnt pay much mind tho because its just one oneshot that i could rewrite. so when i went to go publish 15 instead later that day, i found that 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 AND 22 WERE ALL GONE. idk how the fuk they got back (maybe it was my friend who contacted wattpad that did it, idk man) but they did and its all good thx  bye

also btw im publishing this to make up for the annoying ("sike") fake chapter yesterday so 

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