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Should I actually title my oneshots or...

As Richie walked into the school washroom to skip class as usual, he heard an unusual noise. He couldn't place his finger on what it was, but it didn't sound healthy. It sounded like someone choking on something. Richie stood in front of the stall where it came from, listening to see if he could tell what was happening.

Shit, he recognized that cough. It was Eddie. He hoped to God Eddie wasn't having an asthma attack, but it didn't sound like one. He heard muffled sobs, and finally clued in.

He was trying to throw up his lunch.

"Eds?" Richie asked, concerned. He went to knock on the stall door, but found it wasn't locked. He pushed it open to find Eddie on the floor, trying to get himself to throw up.

"Eddie, Eddie, what the fuck–" Richie grabbed Eddie's torso, pulling his hand away from his mouth. Eddie sobbed into Richie's sweatshirt for a while, sitting on the floor of the nasty school washroom. Richie held him tightly, hugging him close so he couldn't go back to throwing up.

"R-Richie, it didn't work," he sobbed.


"Im fucking chubby, like they said. It's true. I'm fucking worthless, and..." He ranted on about the things they called him. "I'm a nasty fag, I'm a loser, Richie. I'm a fucking loser. W-Why don't you hate me like everyone else?" He finished, breaking down into louder sobs.

"Shhh, baby..." Eddie eyes widened and he blushed at the nickname. "You're none of that, Eddie. You're beautiful, and you don't need to throw up your guts, you don't need to starve yourself, you're a wonderful person, I promise, Eddie. You don't need to be thinner, Eddie. Your body is perfect, I swear to fucking God." Tears began to fall from Richie's eyes as he held Eddie close.

"You're fucking perfect, Eddie. Don't change." He whispered. The two sat there for a short moment, trying to stop their tears. Eddie grabbed Richie's shirt, looking up at his closed, teary eyes under his glasses.

"Thank you," he mumbled softly into Richie's chest. He reached up, grabbing Richie's collar and pressing their lips together, his face flushing red. He pulled away before Richie could kiss back, bursting into tears again. He jumped up out of Richie's lap, shaking his hand out of Richie's grip. Richie's eyes were wide, and his face was flushed. Eddie walked out and shut the door behind him, mumbling 'I'm sorry.'

Richie, after composing himself, ran to catch Eddie.

"Eds!" He whispered, catching the back of Eddie's shirt in the stairwell on the landing, and pulling him into a tight hug. Eddie shut his eyes, bracing himself for the impact of a fist against his body, but it didn't come. Instead, he felt someone else's tear roll down the back of his neck as the taller boy hugged him.

"Eddie?" Richie asked timidly, not letting go. Eddie turned his head to face Richie as much as possible, and Richie placed his lips on Eddie's. He loosened his grip so Eddie could turn around and hug him. They pulled away quickly, afraid of getting caught. Instead, they hugged. A girl walked by them, giving the two a strange look. Both of them still had tears drying on their faces, but Richie grinned as the girl passed.

"No homo," he said into Eddie's ear. Eddie burst out laughing, using Richie's body to hold him up. Richie giggled.

"Eds?" He asked when Eddie's laughter died down and the girl was gone.

"Yeah?" He asked, still smiling.

"C-can you, um, date me?" He asked, blushing.

Eddie nodded. "No homo, though."

The two burst out in laughter again.


I McFucken love this one

R E Q U E S T S P L S??

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