-80- Honeymoon Phase (2/2)

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Better was an understatement; the other side of the hotel was peaceful and quiet... as a honeymoon should be.

"Eds," Richie murmured, stepping into the room after his husband.


Richie grabbed Eddie by the shoulders and pulled him close for a backhug. "I think I know how to make you forget about... well, previous events."

Feeling his cheeks get hot, Eddie laid his head back against Richie's shoulder. "Oh, do you now? I'm afraid I'll have to be the judge of that."

"Well..." Richie began, shutting the door and flipping Eddie around to face him. "It's a foolproof plan. I even have a plan B."

"So what's plan A?" Eddie grinned slyly, combing his fingers just lightly through Richie's hair.

"Plan A?" Richie hummed thoughtfully. "Well it involves a bed... I'm sure you can imagine."

"Ah, but you'd be wrong. Care to enlighten me?" Eddie replied, playing the same game.

"Hm... Well," Richie began. "We get real close, between the sheets of our nice new bed, and I," he lifted his hand up, gesturing as he spoke, "grab the TV remote and we watch whatever's on late night live."

Eddie laughed, slapping Richie's hand out of the air. "And plan B?"

"Plan B?" Richie repeated. "Oh, well that's easy. We make looove." He drawled out the last word dramatically, his hands resting on Eddie's hips, and gyrated his hips like a child trying to hula hoop.

"You're so awful," Eddie laughed, pulling away and turning around to face Richie. "I hate you, so much."

Richie froze, then grabbed Eddie's hand. "Wh-what's this?" He compared their matching silver wedding bands. "You're trapped!" He let his act drop to watch Eddie laugh, a fond smile on his features.

"Shut up, c'mere," Eddie huffed, reaching out. They both pulled each other into a soft kiss. When Eddie pulled away he placed his head on Richie's chest, swaying side to side slightly.

"I'm so funny,"  Richie murmured, earning a loud snort from Eddie.

"And humble, too," Eddie added.

Richie laughed. "Maybe I should become a comedian." He gasped and snapped his fingers. "I should become a comedian!"

"Good luck finding the financial support," Eddie quipped.

"Oh, it's okay Eds. You can be my sugar daddy," Richie snorted.

With a loud laugh, Eddie pulled out of the hug. "You're so stupid, I hate you." He shook his head, smiling fondly at his husband.

"You love me," Richie retorted. "Now! Let's fuck!" He ran towards the bed and flopped onto it, sending Eddie into a fit of laughter. When he stopped laughing, he glanced over at Richie.

"Oh, you were serious?"

Richie made a face, acting offended. "Uh, yeah, always." With a roll of his eyes, Eddie crawled in after him.

"Well," Eddie sighed as he cozied down into Richie's bare arms, his own draped across Richie's chest. "I feel better here... I'm not getting that... vibe anymore. I can't explain it."

"No, I get it. It feels nicer here, it's like the whole thing less tense," he murmured. "Plus, of course, the apology gift from the hotel." He nodded towards the fully-stocked minibar with an extra bottle of nice Chardonnay.

Eddie laughed. "I guess the champagne helps."

"Well," Richie began matter-of-factly. "Champagne does indeed fix everything."

Eddie snorted. "Shut up, Trashmouth, I'm trying to be sweet."

Richie smiled at the old nickname. "You haven't said beep "beep, Richie", though..."

"Well then, pretend I did," Eddie mumbled. "I just... feel safe with you, Rich."

Richie felt his whole body light up. His whole world. He tightened his arms around his husband, beaming happily to himself.

"Safe, huh?" he murmured proudly.

He felt Eddie nod against his chest.


Domestic !!! Married !!! Reddie!!!!!!!

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