-16- Losers Can't Fall in Love

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"I'll sign it," she shrugged from the corner, making a bubble with her pink gum. Eddie smiled modestly.

"O-okay..." He replied as she walked over, smacking her gum and taking out a black marker. Eddie looked away, trying to suppress a smile and a blush, as she began to write in large black letters on his white cast. She looked up, staring him in the eyes before popping another bubble in her gum, and closing the marker. Eddie looked down to his cast to see her signature.

Instead, he was met with five black, bold, capital letters. L-O-S-E-R. He looked back up at her patronizing face, embarrassed, as she took the wad of gum from her mouth and stuck it on the E. She went back to her seat as Eddie left the tore with his head bowed to hide tears that threatened to fall. As soon as he left the store, the dam broke in his eyes and let the tears flood out.

As he walked home as quickly as possible, he walked right into someone's back, apologizing quickly. He just wanted to get home, away from everyone and everything, but the person caught his good hand.

"Eds, you okay?" Richie asked, wiping away a tear from Eddie's face with his thumb. "I'm so sorry this happened to your arm, I-" he looked at the writing on Eddie's cast. "Oh."

"I-it's fine, I... I'll deal with it somehow." Eddie looked away from Richie's eyes.

"No... No, that's disgusting and you know it, let me get that nasty shit off it, okay?" Richie pulled a red pen from his back pocket.

"R-Rich, you shouldn't waste that marker on me, it's not a big deal..." Eddie tried. Richie shook his head.

"Yes, it is a big deal, you hate germs. It's just a sharpie anyways." He used the cap to begin scraping at the pink glob, getting it off without much difficulty. The gum was now stuck on the tip of the red cap, so he pulled the cap off, tossing it away.

"Here. I got an idea." He used the marker to begin scribbling a thick line over the S.

"Richie, what are you–"


He began scrawling out another thick line, connecting them in a bold, blood-red V shape.

"There." He stepped back to examine his work. Eddie looked down at his cast, tilting his head to read it.


He glanced back up to Richie's smiling face.

"That's better now, isn't it?" He asked. Eddie nodded, smiling. "Who says losers can't fall in love?" Richie said jokingly.

"I don't know, but they don't know how wrong they are," Eddie replied, gazing into Richie's eyes. Then, realizing what he had said, he slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Shit, I didn't mean that."

Richie giggled.

"It's okay... I think I fell in love with a loser as well." Richie winked. Eddie let his hands fall to his sides.

"I... I love you, Trashmouth," Eddie blurted.

"I love you too, Eddie spaghetti." Richie grabbed his hand to walk him home.

Look, I knOw it was actually Eddie who drew the V, bUt let's just say it's Richie for now k? K. :')

Also this was short and terrible but that's ok right

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